Red Light Driving School

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  • Red Light Driving School

    • Status
    • Location
    • Owner
      Wallace Riggs
    • Founded
      April 26th, 2021


    On April 26th, 2021, Wallace Riggs set out to fill a void in Los Santos by creating a Driving School in a city ridden with Vehicular Anarchy. Over the months, Red Light Driving School, previously known as U.R.N. Accident Driving School, taught over 40 citizens of Los Santos and certified many more to drive for various companies, including that of Famiglia Cab Company, Public Works, and SOC. Despite having conflicts with the Department of Commerce and Labor, Red Light Driving School has thrived in recent weeks to become #1 Driving School in Los Santos and expanded beyond basic driving lessons to include racing and off-roading lessons.

    "Don't Be An Accident"
    "Red Means Stop, Dumbass"

    Due to investment by the late Brian Archer and Wallace Riggs pumping in tons of his own money, Red Light Driving School owns over 5 different vehicles for a variety of lessons and plans on purchasing more for future endeavors.


    On April 17th, 2021, Wallace Riggs was released from Boilingbroke Penitentiary after serving time for crimes committed in San Fierro several years earlier and decided to settle down in Los Santos while he tried to figure out what to do; Crime was all he knew, but his life changed when news of his grandfather's death reached his ears. After a week in the city, Wallace returned to San Fierro and learned that his grandfather had been killed by a reckless driver, and so he returned to Los Santos after the funeral with a new flame ignited within him. Los Santos was stricken with crazed GoPostal Drivers, Arrogant Street Racers, and Generally Bad Drivers, so Wallace decided to teach people to drive so that fewer innocents would be killed by vehicular negligence. As a former felon, Wallace knew that he'd be unable to build a business only to learn that, somehow, his criminal record was gone and that he was no longer in the system. This allowed Wallace to officially form the U.R.N. Accident Driving School on April 26th, 2021.

    Wallace moved fast after the establishment of the Driving School and ordered a logo from Danu Marketing, formerly Obsidian Marketing, and shortly after a poster and business cards. Figuring out how to build a company was difficult for Wallace, as he never considered himself to be a business man, but he still pushed through and purchased his first car for the company, a Karin Dilettante. U.R.N. Accident grew slowly over the next few weeks with a few driving instructors hiring on, but none of the instructors stayed for long as the pay and reliability of clients was extremely minimal. Despite his instructors quitting, Wallace was still dedicated to helping the city through his driving instruction.


    Original Karin Dilettante purchased for U.R.N. Accident Driving School

    Business started to look up for U.R.N. Accident when Wallace got in contact with Hudson Chesterfield, Director of Public Works, on May 13th, 2021, and created a highly lucrative business arrangement with the Government agency that brought in countless clients for the school. On the same day, Wallace met with the Department of Commerce and Labor, formerly known as the Chamber of Commerce, to sign a contract leasing the company's first building on Innocence Boulevard in Davis. Even though U.R.N. Accident had an influx of clients and a new location, company earnings were still low prompting Wallace to raise the price of his services in June, this allowing the driving school to earn three times more in June than it had in May.


    Original Driving School Location for U.R.N. Accident Driving School

    As U.R.N. Accident began thriving, Wallace's confidence in his own abilities soared and he decided to create two more Businesses, Accident Industries and Accidental Rentals, that he could use to optimize profits; Accident Industries becoming the parent company that owned U.R.N. Accident and Accidental Rentals. On June 18th, 2021, Accident Industries, and subsequently Accidental Rentals, were recognized by the Department of Commerce and Labor, but not everything was as it was explained to Wallace. With the expansion of U.R.N. Accident through Accident Industries, Wallace decided to withdraw his premises application in his hopes to find a larger building for his burgeoning company, only to be left with no building for his company at all.

    Despite not owning a building, the following month was a golden age for Accident Industries, especially U.R.N. Accident, and money was flowing in as business arrangements were made with Famiglia Cab Company and SOC, and LSPD began working on their standard operating procedures for revoking licenses, but that all ended on July 22nd when the Department of Commerce and Labor contacted Wallace about unpaid fines. Due to the Department of Commerce and Labor's disorganization and lack of communication with each other, the arrangements Wallace made with the Department of Commerce and Labor were never added to their files, leading Wallace to disband Accident Industries and Accidental Rentals.

    As everything was falling apart, Wallace was discouraged by what he considered "bullshit" and decided to focus purely on the driving school, rebranding it to be named Red Light Driving School and designing its logo personally to make sure he got it right. During the fallout of the Businesses, Wallace transferred his Vapid Benson to Red Light Driving School, sold every single rental car, and purchased a Bravado Buffalo for his contract with SOC and Ubermacht Sentinel Classic for expansion to offering Racing Lessons. As he wanted to rid himself of everything that was once related to Accident Industries, Wallace also sold his first Karin Dilettante to replace it with a Rune Cheburek to become the main driving school vehicle.

    On August 11th, Wallace sold the Bravado Buffalo he had previously purchased and used the money to expand the driving school to offer Off-Roading and Dirt-Biking Lessons, purchasing a Nagasaki Outlaw and two Nagasaki BF400s for the lessons.
