Rivera Finch

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  • Rivera Finch

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      August 20th, 1997
    • Birthplace:
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      "Rivie", "Riv", "Finchie"


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      None Living


    • Occupation:
    • Faction Affilations:
      Blaine County Sheriff Office [BCSO]


    Rivera has dark brown hair with a slight touch of red. Her hair is a little longer than shoulder length and very thick. She usually parts it all to one side. Rivera has a few pairs of glasses, but the ones she is most commonly seen wearing are multi-colored with chunky square lenses. Her eyes are a blue/grey color.

    When not in uniform, she enjoys wearing T-shirts or Hawaiian shirts with jeans or shorts. She also enjoys leather jackets.



    Rivera was born in upstate New York to middle school teachers, Jane and Andrew Finch and had a younger brother named Ryan Finch. When she was 13 someone set her home on fire. Rivera jumped out of a second-story window with her cat, Milo. She suffered minor injuries mostly consisting of scraped knees and a sprained ankle. Her parents were trapped in the house and died. Firefighters arrived soon enough to pull Ryan Finch from the burning building, but Ryan passed away a few days later from his injuries. The individual who set the fire was thought to be linked to several other arsons, however, they were never caught.

    An officer named Blu Landry helped comfort and distract her while firefighters worked to control the blaze. Blu and his wife Amelia later adopted Rivera and her cat. Amelia was never able to have any other children. Her adopted parents were strict but kind and loving. Amelia passed away from brain cancer when Rivera was 16.

    Through high school, Rivera struggled with attitude issues and had tendencies to lash out at peers and teachers. She provoked fights often and did the bare minimum to pass her classes. When she graduated high school she tried to pursue a degree in law, however, her grades and lack of effort held her back tremendously. In the end, she graduated from a community college with a generic bachelor's degree in Liberal Arts: Math and Science. After college, she attended the police academy to learn the foundations of policing and basic training.

    Looking to escape the cold NY winters, Rivera began searching for places to live that were tropical. She decided on the state of San Andreas and moved there in August 2021.

    Upon moving to San Andreas, she rented out an apartment in Los Santos. At first, she made money largely by being a professional hunter. Her first real job in the city was working for an Italian family restaurant named "Big Papas". She began there as a waitress but eventually was promoted to manager. The owner of the business eventually had to fly out of the city to attend to some family emergencies back home and the restaurant, unfortunately, went out of business.

    She then began working for state representative Endeavour Jackson as his personal assistant. After a massive falling out between Jackson and Finch, she quit and went to work for his biggest political enemy, Mohn Nash. Mohn Nash ended up leaving the city after being fed up with the state of inactivity of the legislature and representatives. Fortunately, at that point, Rivera had been accepted in the Blaine County Sheriffs' office as a cadet.

    Finch was a cadet for roughly three months before being promoted to a full Deputy in December 2021. She was then promoted to Senior Deputy with FTO in March 2022.

    Rivera was part of a movement to hold Public Works accountable for their actions and has paid close attention to their actions since she moved to the city. She had Bevans Garvey taken to criminal court over the mistreatment of a captive bear before she was an officer. She has also arrested several members of Public Works for various crimes as an officer.

    She has been in only one relationship since moving to Los Santos. She began dating Jean Boudreaux shortly after moving to the city. Boudreaux became an officer several months before Finch. They dated for nearly 6 months and lived together in a house in Sandy Shores. Boudreaux broke up with Rivera on the roof of MRPD citing the fact that as a member of command, he didn't have time for her anymore.

    Shortly after becoming a senior deputy, Rivera Finch had to return back home to NY as her father was dying. He had smoked since his wife's death. His constant smoking lead to multiple health complications which Blu Landry refused to have treated. He passed away on March 14th, 2022 and Rivera spent the rest of the month and beginning of April organizing his belongings and having him buried. She returned to work on April 11th.

    Rivera Finch has been an officer with the Blaine County Sheriff's Office since October 2022.


    • She has never learned to walk in heels.
    • Her favorite color is purple, and no it has nothing to do with the Ballas.
    • She likes old-school American Muscle cars
    • She loves nature and the country.
    • Her favorite animals are dogs.
    • She owns a pet ball python named "Mr. Sausage", "I didn't name him that. He was a rescue and he came with that name.".