Rose Gavin

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  • Rose Gavin

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      4' 9"
    • Birthdate:
      August 8th, 1996 (27)
    • Birthplace:
      Indiana, USA
    • Nationality:
      United States Citizen
    • Aliases:
      Nurse Rue, Nurse Rose, E-116, E-88


    • Marital Status:
      Married - Frank Gavin
    • Relatives:
      Alexander Rue (Father)
      Kelsey Ajax (Mother)
      Daisy Rue (Sister)
      Petunia Rue (Sister)
      Thorne Rue (Brother)
      Cole Alexander MacLamar (Son - with John MacLamar)
      Kristian Stanley MacLamar (Son - with John MacLamar)
      Aurora Belle MacLamar (Daughter - with John MacLamar)
      Phoenix Amari Gavin (Daughter - with Frank Gavin)
      Merritt Rowan Gavin (Son - with Frank Gavin)
      Frank Taylor Gavin Jr (Son - with Frank Gavin)



    Rose Adelaide Gavin (nee Rue) is played by KelleeJo, who also played Ella Popadopoulos.

    Rose is a short red head with freckles. She wears prescription glasses and typically matches those glasses to her outfit. She has a terrible sense of fashion. Her clothing style is typical inspired by older generations, and she rarely wears "revealing" clothing. She has opened up more in recent months, and has broken out of her shy nature some.


    August 8th, 1996 Rose entered the world silently. So silent, in fact, her mother feared she was dead. Of course, after some encouragement from the Doctors and Nurses, little Rose made some noise, and they were reassured she was fine. Her life was pretty typical for a middle class American household, though it did have its own struggles.

    Rose's father, Alexander, was an alcoholic who worked as a General Laborer all day and got drunk all night. When he came home from the bar, he would pass out on the couch. Her mother, Kelsey, was a trauma Nurse in the local Emergency Room. She wasn’t an only child, but she was the oldest of the kids and grew up fast. Learning how to cook, clean, and change diapers by the time she was seven. She did the most she could to help her mom and dad out, her love for them was immeasurable.

    At the age of thirteen, Rose's mother and father divorced due to Alexander's refusal to seek treatment for his alcoholism. The children all moved in with Kelsey, and Alexander moved away - though Rose kept contact with him. Kelsey took a second job as a waitress to fill the hours when she was not working as a Nurse, and Rose had to step up and take to mothering her younger siblings. She took on the motherly role well, and for this her siblings credit her for having a wonderful childhood.

    After graduating High School, Rose attended the local Community College for a degree in Nursing. Due to her at home obligations, it took a few extra years, but she graduated at the age of 24. The same year her youngest sibling, Thorne, graduated High School and moved out to College. Now alone with her mother, Rose decided it was time to spread her own wings, and she took a job waiting tables to earn enough cash to move. Once she had secured funds, she took a flight to Los Santos to start her own life.

    Once in Los Santos, Rose made an immediate decision to apply at the local hospital, Mount Zonah. On December 23, 2021 she received word that she was officially hired on as a Nurse. She worked hard her first few days and met many people she considers a friend: Niko McReary, Lorren Anders, Alex Johnson, Lewis Knight, Micheal Jones, Brandon Heine, and Skylar Averice (Skylar Adams). She quickly became close to both Skylar Averice and Niko McReary, as they typically were the only individuals on duty during their shift. She also became friends with Brandon Heine, nicknaming him Doctor Ketchup.

    After many days of flirting from the patients, being asked on dates, and more - Rose expressed frustrations. A few jokes later, and it became known within her shift that Rose was "dating" Patrick, the Plant to the left of the front Reception desk. Jokes turned serious and somehow Rose found herself outside of the Mission Row Police Department surrounded by police officers, quite literally marrying Patrick the Plant. It was then that she met State Attorney Cole Gordon and Prosecutor Blake Barker. Cole forced Blake to file Rose's marriage registration - which was quickly denied by Chief Justice John MacLamar.

    Rose had not yet met John, and actually did not like him for denying her marriage to Patrick. She still referred to Patrick as her husband, even planting a small version of Patrick in a pot and calling it their son. That smaller plant is now located on the Reception desk of Mount Zonah, right next to Patrick. That smaller plant was moved to Eclipse Medical, and resides inside of the Cafeteria, being tended to by Niko. After the Eclipse fire, Niko saved the plants and now keeps them in their apartment. During this time, she grew close to Blake Barker and for a brief period of time they dated. However, Rose realized that she was spending too much time away from work and had concerns with keeping Blake away from his career aspirations, so she ended their relationship.

    Being closer with Blake led to her becoming good friends with Cole. Cole introduced her to John, officially, and stood in the hallway of Mount Zonah arguing with John about denying Rose's Plant Marriage. After the loud yelling match, they all went back to Cole's office and played Poker. This continued for a few days, and Rose would speak with John via phone calls, text messages, and in person outside of these meetings. During this time, Rose also learned that Patrick the Plant was cheating on her with Stephanie, the Fern to the right of Mount Zonah's Reception desk. Much to Niko's dismay, Rose divorced Patrick.

    She grew closer and closer with John and, eventually, began to date him. Their relationship moved very quickly, with Rose learning that she was pregnant with their twins. Soon after, John proposed and Rose accepted. Nearly every morning, John and Rose made their way to The Little Teapot for breakfast. This establishment had become their favorite place to visit, and they had become good friends with Stanley Lanford who works at the Teapot. After breakfast, they both separate for their shifts at work. They would come back together for dinner, which they often grabbed at The Hanging Gardens. John is close friends with the owner, Jack Callow.

    Shortly after the birth of their twins, Rose learned she was pregnant once more - this time with a daughter. Her and John were beginning to have relationship troubles, so she chose to take her sons and return home for a while. She'd occasionally fly back into Los Santos to work a shift at the hospital. During this time, her and John officially separated.

    After working back home for a few months, she decided to move back to Los Santos right after the Mutiny attack. She gave birth back home to a beautiful daughter which she named Aurora Belle MacLamar. Upon arrival in Los Santos, John picked her up from the Airport and set her and the children up with a place to stay. She put in transfer papers to join EMS, and her paperwork was accepted.

    She finished her academy soon after, and became a Trainee with the EMS. After some time, she passed her evaluations and became a fully fledged EMT. She enjoyed her time and pushed forward into becoming an Advanced EMT, which allowed her to utilize IV medications. After a few weeks, she passed her Fire Certification and is now a Firefighter. Pushing forward with her life, she began to show interest in a man named Frank Gavin. After spending time together, they officially began to date on December 27th, 2022. Rose then proceeded to fall down a mountain and puncture both of her ribs, ending her up in the ICU. A few months later, Frank proposed and she accepted. During an LOA from SAFR, she gave birth to her second daughter (fathered by Frank) - Phoenix Amari Gavin.

    A few weeks after starting to officially date Frank, she passed her Paramedic Evaluation and became a fully certified Paramedic, which came with extra responsibility and the ability to utilize Advanced Life Support. Not long after, she completed training to be a Flight Medic.

    Rose recently applied to become a FTO and learned she was accepted, passing her evaluation with flying colors under Ashton Fox.


    Rose has a dog named Porkchop (German Shepherd/Terrier Mix), that was a gift from her mother when she was 10. Porkchop is currently 16 years old.
    Her son, Cole Alexander MacLamar is named after both her friend Cole Gordon and John's friend, Alexander McKinley.
    Her son, Kristian Stanley MacLamar is named after John's friend, Anders Kristiansen and their friend, Stanley Lanford.
    Her daughter, Aurora Belle MacLamar, was not named after anyone in particular. Instead, Rose chose the name to break the "plant/flower" theme her family had going on.
    Her daughter, Phoenix Amari Gavin, was named after Frank's Angel-1 callsign (Phoenix-1).
    Rose thinks often about her deceased friends: Cole Gordon, Atticus Kennedy, and Lennon Emerson.