Ruby Jade

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  • Ruby Jade

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    Ruby Jade (04/19/2002) is a Listener for the Church of The V.O.I.D. in Rockford Hills, a florist for the Emerald Dreams Flower Shoppe and previously worked as a Nurse for Mt. Zonah Medical Center, now doing what she calls 'field medic' work. She is a part of the Aztecas family. She was previously a criminal informant for the Major Crimes Division in an old fashioned bait and switch.


    Ruby was born to Lily Jade-Parker on the 19th of April, 2002. Not knowing her father as a child she grew up in a home that was pretty lax on supervision and punishments. Her mother had two other children by another man whom she later ended up marrying much to Ruby’s disgust. She wasn’t a fan of her mothers new partner, and that kicked off a long youth full of fighting ‘the man’ 1. Many years later and she’s grown through a tough life that she yearns to take control of.

    Growing up, Ruby was always very artistic. She loved to draw, write and as she grew older, paint. Pretty soon painting became her passion, her way of releasing all of the pent up feelings inside of herself. When she was 14 she went for a joyride with her friends and as punishment, came home to her step father throwing all her paints, brushes and easels out into a bonfire.

    At 14 Ruby ran away for the first time, opting to stay in the old unused sports shed that opened to the outer side of the high school she went to. Her and her friends often hung out there as teachers never came around, and it was the first place her best friend Domingo taught her how to graffiti. This became her new method of releasing her pent up emotions, and soon started her down a twisted path.2 Since her step father had burned all that was important to her she simply… didn’t go back home. Her mother and step father never reported her missing and she turned to the streets to learn how to survive.

    For the next few years Ruby would hang out with her little gang of friends, until slowly but surely they would all graduate and move off to do other things. That left her with Sadie, Domingo, and Sam to rely on.3 The older she got the more she learned, though getting lost so easily would often mean Ruby was unable to hold a job. She delivered papers for a while which didn’t last long, as well as picking up groceries for the elderly. She just couldn’t help but buy a little food here and there, eventually getting fired from that job as well. Eventually she became a volunteer nurse at a summer camp during the summers.

    Once Ruby was officially a high school graduate (though just barely) she’d finally pluck up the courage to try and break up with Sam. This landed her in the hospital with a couple of cracked ribs after Sam hadn’t taken so lightly to hearing about it. It was then that Ruby knew that if she was going to escape his abuse she would have to leave town.

    These thoughts didn’t bother her though. There was nothing here for her, and after all, Domingo had been right all those years ago! No one should be able to stop her from following her dreams, regardless of what the dream is. The next night in the hospital was spent writing up ideas and plans rather than sleeping, and the next morning she slipped out of the hospital without telling a single soul. She made her way back to the shed she called home and found Domingo there, railing a bong as she closed the door behind her quickly. Domingo was not happy seeing her bandaged up and bruised, and immediately began to inquire what had happened.

    This was going in a direction that Ruby did not want. Instead of fighting him, she wanted to run away. She wanted to follow her dreams and spray paint the biggest cities in the world! She wanted to bring art to life with her work. Most of all, however, she wanted to do it without having to look over her shoulder every day. Ruby pleaded with Domingo that night. The next day was her 19th birthday, and he had a car. She wanted him to take her to San Andreas and drop her off to start a new life - but he refused.

    Instead he chose to go as well. They would start a new life, in a new city, with new people. How hard could it be for a couple of teenagers to get a job in a big city and stay under the radar? As it turned out Domingo even knew where they should go. He’d slapped down a discarded newspaper for the city of San Andreas, with the job listings circled in red.
    1. The Man is a generalized term for any kind of authority figure that Ruby feels is unfairly treating her in a negative way. She’s your usual edgy teen type of girl. This does NOT mean she cannot or will not take orders from an established authority figure - just the ones that deserve it.
    2. This character is still Neutral and leaning towards Chaotic Neutral - there is open room for the story to be written either direction, with a penchant for being mischievous.
    3. Sam is an abusive ex of Ruby’s that was also a star player on the baseball team at school. He would consistently try to ‘white knight’ every situation Ruby was ever in and control her so much she felt breathless in a sea of air. He at one point drove her into such a depression about how she looked that she began biking just to escape his horrible comments. Sam’s parents were rich, and usually when Ruby needed something she couldn’t afford, Sam was who she needed to go to in order to get it.
    Ruby spends her days with her best friend Domingo Delacruz, her life coach Jackson Spade, and her pops Marbles (Xilas Cross). She can usually be found doing work for one of the many charities that the church supports or running the background to keep the Family running smoothly. Often times she can be found on Fudge Lane or out hunting, one of her favorite things to do; as well as at the Rockford Hills church with the big graveyard.

    Currently Ruby works for the Church of the V.O.I.D. as a secret keeper and Listener. She is also a core part of the VOIDfaith mafia family, and deeply dedicated to the Azteca family as well.
