Tessa-Mae Campbell

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  • Tessa-Mae Campbell

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      20th July 1998
    • Birthplace:
      Germany, Düsseldorf
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Tess, Ms. Campbell, Mrs. Floof


    • Marital Status:
      In a Relationship with Laurent-Emmanuel Lefebvre
    • Relatives:

      Mother - Willow Campbell
      Mother - Lilly Campbell


    • Occupation:
    • Faction Affilations:


    Tessa is a 5'4 lil Lady who has both anger issues and biting issues. She is a super sweet lady who enjoys helping people, no matter of who they are. She believes that everyone should be treated with both respect and love. She is deeply in love with her current boyfriend, Dr. L. He is her little Fraise aka. Strawberry.


    The youth of Tessa-Mae Campbell:
    Tessa was born on the 20th of July 1998, in a hospital, in her home town back in Germany. Her two Moms, Lilly and Willow were really excited, as this was their first child. As a lesbian couple it was hard for them to get a donor in the first place to get Willow pregnant, but they found had found the perfect donor. As they first came home, the house cats met Tessa for the first time. They were really protective over Tessa, as she was like a kitten to them. As Tessa grew a few years older, she was bullied for having two moms in elementary school as the other children weren't used to seeing a child with two moms. Tessa did not really care tho, as she loved her moms, as well as her cats. She was always a very positive person, being nice and overprotective over her friends and family. As she realized, that having two moms wasn't normal for the first time she asked them about it and she found out about the LBGTQ+ Community, which she loved learning about. Every day she started asking her moms about more information about it. When she started going to highschool, she found amazing friends who loved her. Most of them were gay men, as she felt a lot more accepted by them, than by other women or men in her school. They were known as the gay emo's in her school, as Tessa was quite much a rebel and dressed up very much like an emo. She dyed her hair a lot, which she still does, as it is just a kind of therapy for her.
    The current years of Tessa-Mae Campbell:
    Tessa, a 24 year old woman now really interests in medical knowledge, as well as some minor law. She found out that she really loves helping people and that everybody deserve a chance with her. She is still really overprotective of her friends, as well as if she was a doctor her patients. Tessa is a pansexual woman, who does not really care about who she does date, as long as she is happy. She found this out back in highschool. She sometimes still visits her moms, to check up on them and their cats. Tessa's personality:Tessa is a kind of gullible and easily trusting woman, who is kind of obsessive if she finds somebody to like. An animal lover, as well as her having a quite weird humor with weird jokes. Really flirty if she wants to be but knows when to stop, as she really doesn't like hurting people. How Tessa looks like: Tessa has blue eyes, even tho she wears contacts sometimes. Ginger hair, which she also dyes a lot as she is insecure about it. She is really pale, has a lot of freckles all over her body and really loves tattoos. Tessa wears quite much makeup, which she is kind of talented with but, she still wears some of her emo makeup sometimes.

    Tessa's favourite song


    - " I will bonk you! "
    - " Biiiiiiig streeeetch! "