The Misfits

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  • The Misfits


    The Misfits are a group of individuals who have found that they did not align with the goals and beliefs of any other groups or organizations within the State of San Andreas, and have come together with the common goal of forming a successful crime syndicate. The Misfits have adopted multiple forms of criminal activity to supplement income to members including but not limited to: drug manufacturing, distribution, and robbery. Despite the group's involvement with criminal activities, there is not much public information about The Syndicate's whereabouts or identities of the members.

    The Misfits live by a simple code composed of three key ideas: loyalty, honor, and justice. Loyalty is to be reserved for The Syndicate first and foremost: members are willing to put The Misfits before even themselves. Honor is expected to be upheld by all members of the Misfits, despite being criminals, members should aim to live up to a higher standard. Lastly, a guiding principle for The Misfits is to bring forth a true sense of justice in which criminals are look at as secondhand citizens in the eye of the law and legal system of the State of San Andreas.


    The Misfits were formed in early June of 2021. Not much more about their history is publicly known.


    The Misfits are currently allied with Pillbox Cartel, North Cartel, and have affiliations within River City Customs

    • The Misfits were the first criminals in the State of San Andreas to successfully rob a bank and escape.
