Zoey Gray

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  • Zoey Mirrano-Gray

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Saint John NB
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Zo, ZoZo, Z


    • Marital Status:
      Married to - Sabrina Mirrano-Gray
    • Relatives:
      Father - Derek Gray
      Mother- Lily Gray
      Sister - Hayley Gray


    • Occupation:
      San Andreas Parks Department - Ranger
      Ari's Deli - Owner
      Hit The Dirt - Manager
      Great Ocean Club - Backend Cook
      Cook's Automotive - Sr. Mechanic
      JC Security - Agent
    • Faction Affilations:


    Zoey is played by DinkleD.


    Zoey Gray was born on December 12th of 2001 in Saint John New Brunswick Canada, she is the youngest of two daughters of Derek and Lily Gray. Zoey has always had an unusually dark natural red hair color that she inherited from her Irish father, however unlike her sister who has paler skin, she inherited her skin tone from her mother. She also learned to speak French from her mother who is French-Canadian, and growing up in an English city ensured that she was perfectly bilingual.

    Early Life

    At a young age her father got her into sports, teaching her how to skate at the age of 3, joining her first hockey team at the age of 5 as defense, however her speed and agility made her coach move her to the forward line as a center player where she really began to shine. She led the team to multiple championship wins and became the team captain shortly after. As she got older, she began tinkering with engines as well as take apart appliances to find out how they worked, much to her mother’s frustration who would often come home to one of her kitchen appliances in parts all over the kitchen. Zoey would always however put them back together, sometimes even improving them slightly. She also began wood working as a hobby and would often go out on hunting trips with her father, who would often refer to her as “My little spider monkey” due to her love for climbing just about anything, tree’s houses, buildings, if it could be climbed, Zoey would find a way.

    At the age of 5 Zoey also met Sarina Night who was in the same class as her older sister Hayley, the two of them would become best friends and they would be inseparable as they would often sleep at each others houses and go out on adventures together.

    High School years​

    Zoey would develop a love for Anime and Manga, as well as video games, her father would often play with her as she had become a “daddy’s girl”. She would also enjoy riding her bike or skateboard and enjoyed the outdoors. Zoey would become a popular girl at school as she was friendly with everyone although she was socially awkward. She was known as the cute geeky skater girl, and many boys and even some girls would try to get her attention, but she would normally just smile and decline their advancements. At 15, she had a crush on one boy who finally asked her out on a date, and the two began dating. This did not last long; however, the boy would often try to pressure her into doing things she was not ready for. One weekend while her family was they were alone at her house, he once again tried to pressure her to do things with him, telling her that his other friends had girlfriends who were doing these things; however, she would just tell him that she is not them, and that she is not ready yet. He began trying to force himself onto her, she tried to resist but he overpowered her. Her sister who had come home to get something she had forgotten could hear Zoey’s cries, she ran up to her room and suddenly kicked the door open seeing him pinning her down crying, anger began taking over her as she ripped him off Zoey and threw him out of the house, Luckily, she had gotten there just before he could do anything to her. This event had a deep impact on Zoey’s life as she began to retreat into a bubble as she felt weak and powerless. She began hating and blaming herself for allowing herself to be used. Hayley and Sarina played a big part in helping her get back to her feet. Zoey vowed to never allow this to happen again. She began taking up Jiu-Jitsu as a form of self-defence as well as looking into becoming a cop and quickly switched her studies into Law Enforcement and graduated at the age of 17.

    Police Academy Days​

    Zoey joined the police academy at the age of 18 after a year of studying law and graduating from Saint John University (SJU). She had continued her Jiu-Jitsu classes and made it to brown belt, making her the top of her class in self-defence courses . Male cadets would often try and flirt with her and ask her out, but she would refute their advancement. The events of her past continued to haunt her. She would also seek out the advice of Sarina who had gone though the training herself the prior year and was now a member of the Saint John Police Force.

    She gained the attention of one of the academy trainers, he could see great potential in her and he took her under his wing. Under his tutelage she rose to the top of the class and graduated with top honors from the academy. She thanked him for all of his help, but he would only respond with “You did all of it on your own, I only help you see your own potential that was already within you.”

    The move to the United States​

    She originally applied to join the Saint John Police Force; however they did not have any job openings. She began looking into possibly joining the RCMP, however one of her friends informed her of the need for cops in the United States. She began searching for job opportunities online and found that the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office were hiring. She applied and got an interview with the Sheriff and Chief Deputy, she impressed them so much that they instantly hired her and facilitated her move from the Canada to the US.

    She began packing her bags, she didn’t have a lot of stuff, her family and Sarina were sad to see her go but they were proud of her. Her father hugged her and was very reluctant in releasing her as a few tears escaped his eyes. Zoey would smile at him and promised him that she would call often and visit whenever she could, reminding him how seriously she took promises. He smiled back at her and finally let her go. Sarina then hugged her tightly, letting her know how proud she was of Zoey, about how strong she was for not letting what happen to her keep her down, she then took out her pinky and asked Zoey to pinky swear that they would never lose contact, and that they would also call each other. Zoey smiled as she joined her pinky to hers, giving her one final hug. She finally boarded her plane bound for California and looked back at her family waving at her, a single tear streamed down her cheeks as she waved back before disappearing inside of the plane.

    Life in Alameda County.​

    She arrived at Alemeda's airport on January 2nd of 2020 and was greeted by Sheriff Decker who helped her settle in, she would have to take an academy refresher course, just to prove that her training is up to par with their standards, she passed this training with ease and became what they affectionately call a “Traffic Cone” Her Field Training Officers consisted mainly of Tony Falls, Grace Guppy and Joel Ross, with their help and guidance, she quickly proved herself and was promoted to full Deputy within a few days of ridealongs. During this time, she became very close with Grace, who quickly became her best friend, she also made friends with Monkey, a local who she found amusing and sometimes even cute. Another person she met and quickly became friends with is Giselle Cliaux who had just become an EMS and would always offer Zoey a hug, she would also often show concern for Zoey’s well being and would often get upset seeing her hurt.

    During a report of a female selling drugs, she was unable to find the culprit, she encountered the Genovese family fishing, a very well-dressed man caught her eye as she blushes a bit looking at him, his name was Vito Genovese. And over the next few days she would encounter him quite a few times, enough where they would joke that they were stalking each other. And not long after began dating. He was the very first person she opened her heart to since that tragic incident that occurred when she was 15. She knew that his family was into crime and she told Vito that she would always put her duties first, even if they were dating she would not hesitate to arrest them if they did something illegal in her presence. She also told him that the only thing that would make her upset with him was if he ever hurt her friends, this would include anyone on the force. Their relationship almost came to an end when Vito got into a fight with Tony Falls and beat him until he was unconscious. As Tony is a good friend of hers as well as Grace’s boyfriend, this upset Zoey a lot. As he had done the one thing that would upset her. She had planned on breaking up with him over the matter, however he talked her into remaining with him by promising her to never hurt any of her friends again. Zoey could see how broken up he was by her attempt to leave him and believed him to be sincere, so she decided to give him a second chance, stating that there would be no third chances. She continued to thrive within the Sheriff's office and making friends both within and outside of the force. She began working with Sergeant James Streets as she was interested in the Gang Task Force. The two of them hit it off straight away as they became partners and he offered her a spot within the GTF. She even began developing feelings for him as she began questioning if she would be able to continue a relationship with Vito as he at this point had become a felon.

    She looked into if there were rules or regulations forbidding a cop from dating a felon. She learned that there were not but that she had to put her job first, that would include if there was a warrant out for his arrest and she would see him while off duty, she would be duty bound to arrest him.

    Fearing that this could risk her carrier, the one thing that gave meaning and focus to her life back when she was fighting depression, she once again attempted to break it off with Vito. Shortly after she let him know about her intentions, he showed up to the station along with Nicola Genovese also known as Nickie, his brother in law who wanted to speak with her. He wanted to know the full reason from her and she explained them. He assured her that no one in the family would hate her or think any less of her if she was forced to arrest any of them, he told her how much Vito loved her and that he is ready to do anything to remain with her, he even added that if he had to, he would drag Vito or anyone else in the family in himself to turn themselves in if they had a warrant. This caused her heart to melt as her biggest fear was that everyone in their family would turn on her if she was forced to do her job as an officer. So after speaking with Vito once again and confirming that he would never be angry with her if she had to arrest either him or any member of his family, she promised him that she would try to make things between them work, as she really did care about him and loved him.

    It at this time that Zoey and Giselle became much closer as friends and while they were off duty and exploring the county together, she admitted to Zoey that she liked her a lot and would like to be in a relationship with her. This caught Zoey off guard, and she told Giselle she would have to think about it. The next day Zoey met up with Giselle and told her that she promised Vito to try and make things work with him, and had things been different she would have accepted it as Zoey cared a great deal about Giselle, she also added that if in the future she became available and Giselle was also available, that she would not be opposed to making it a go. Giselle just smiled and hugged her, letting her know that this would not change anything in their friendship.

    On February 13th, only one day before Valentines day, Vito broke up with Zoey, claiming that things between them would never work out, originally this devastated Zoey as she slipped into slight depression, however with the help and support of her friends, she realized that perhaps it was for the best. To her surprise quite a few people began flirting with her once word was out that she was single, some even outright asking her for a date, however her heart was already leading towards one person who she had had feelings for a while now.

    A few days later she spoke with James Street and admitted her feelings for him, he surprised her by telling her that he already knew. Shortly after James was kidnapped by the Ballas in an attempt to get information out of him, when he refused they beat and shot him. Zoey was one of the units who found him, she was devastated seeing him in that condition. She spend days with him in ICU, never leaving his side. When he woke up she told him she wanted to help him bring these people to justice, however he pushed her away, saying he did not want her to get hurt. She tried to continue to let him know that she cared about him and did not want him to push her away. This backfired a bit on her as eventually he pulled her aside and told her that he isn't ready for a relationship and that she was coming on too strong and that she should back off a bit. This had cause Zoey's heart to break slightly, because in her eyes all she was doing was telling him how she felt, so she backed off, giving him space and she spent the next few days in deep thought

    One day when Zoey was patrolling she checked up on some individuals selling some fish at the market, however this was a trap, 4 of them pointed their guns at her and demanded she surrendered, outnumbered and outgunned she put up her hands, they tied her up and forced her into the trunk of their vehicle. Unknown to them, 2 off duty cops had noticed this happening, Dippins and his twin brother Jay, they followed the vehicle until it stopped, they quickly ran over to the vehicle with their ARs and told them to release her, the suspects complied as they had been ambushed and only had pistols and drove off.

    This incident made its way to the Sheriff who was upset about how they had taken their ARs out while off duty and they were reprimanded, this caused them to quit the force as they viewed the safety of a fellow deputy more important then following the rules.

    Shortly after, Dippins, was kidnapped, tortured and left for dead in a blazing vehicle, Dippins and Zoey had slowly been getting closer as friends and when she learned about it she rushed to the hospital. She stayed by his side as he was alone, she did not want him to wake up without someone there. She spoke to him while he was in his coma, telling him how she still thought of him as her hero for rescuing her and how he had to wake up. With every word she began to notice him twitching and moving slightly, it encouraged her to continue until he eventually woke up. It turned out that in addition to the injuries he also had a memory loss that went back to before he left the the Sheriff's office, his jaw was also wired shut so it made communication a bit hard, but they managed. She spent the entire night with him, helping him recover his memories little by little and supporting him in any way she could. She began realizing that there was a growing feeling inside of her towards him that was buried deep, but was slowly but surly starting to surface.

    She was confused and at a lost as to what to do with those feelings. She reached out to his brother, Jay, for advise. After a heart to heart with him, he told her to just follow her heart and that he would support her in whatever decision she ended up making.

    She went on a date with Dippins that she believed went well, she had fun and so did he, they even made plans to go out again the next day. He took her home and said he was going to bed. She tried to go to bed but could not fall asleep so she decided to go back on duty for a few hours. She saw him driving around but didn't really pay much attention to it. The next day she received a text from Jay telling her how he was worried about her getting hurt because he saw him with Chrisie and Bonnie. This caused Zoey to begin worrying as Dippins had cancelled their plans saying he had to keep someone out of the city. She had seen him with a girl in pink hair and had no idea who she was, she assumed it was Chrisie but she was unsure, and he spent the entire night with her. Before the coma and memory loss he had told her how he was in love with Chrisie, but that she was in love with someone else, who happens to be an a gang member and that Zoey believed he found out about Dippins feelings for her and is responsible for what happened to him. She just has no proof. After the coma he said he did not remember who she was and even after his memories came back, she was the one person he could not remember.

    Promotion to Sr. Deputy

    On February 20th 2020 she was promoted to Sr. Deputy, this helped lift her spirits and took her mind off of her love life for a bit.

    She began having an interest of Jay who had been supportive and nice to her, however just like with James, he wasn't interested in anything more then friendship, something Zoey had grown used to by now. At the same time she had been spending a lot of time with Chip, who was an EMS From the local hospital, she began developing feelings for him as they spent entire nights together, however he was involved with Zoe Rivera. Zoey learned that Chip and Zoe were putting their own relationship on break due to the fact that she was going to be away on vacation for 2 months, also Chip had admitted to Zoey that he had feelings for her in the past but he had to set them aside due to her dating Vito at the time.

    Just as she though things were finally looking up, Chip came down with a case of tetanus and almost died, his lack of oxygen also caused some brain damage and he forgot specific people, one of them being Zoey. She began thinking that she was cursed, whoever she cared about always ended up in hospital in critical condition, James, Merl, Jay and now Chip. She stayed by his side the entire night, trying to help him with his memories, and for the most part he remembered most of the things he forgot about Zoey, however what worried her was that he was also diagnosed with anterograde amnesia, which is the ability to create new memories, in other words she would have to start over again every day. This did not dissuade her, she promised both Chip and herself that she would not give up, that she would do it all over again every single day, in the hopes that it would help him get through it and help his brain heal.

    They continued to get closer and closer as they spend more time together until one day Chip asked to speak with her in private, Zoey became nervous as she was afraid that he was going to tell her he didn't share her feelings, but it turned out that he wanted to make it official, he asked her to be his girlfriend and she happily accepted. She was planning on going to work and then spend some time with him, but she was dragged off duty by Grace and Sam to have some fun with them at the local dance club where it turned out Chip was also spending time. They danced the night away and spent the entire day together. They made their way to the top of Mt. Gordo where Chip finally kissed her for the first time.

    Shortly after they began dating, Zoey started to realize just how much she was falling for him, she was completely in love with him.

    Promotion to Corporal and Depression

    On March 12 of 2020, Zoey was rewarded for her hard work and promoted to Corporal. Shortly afterward, Zoey noticed that Chip had been more distant from her, this worried her and she had multiple discussions about it with him, each of them ended in her crying as she felt she was slowly losing the love of her life. Zoey believed that the cause of the issue was that Chip now had feelings for a new EMS called Sarena and was conflicted, something that would turn out to not be the case as Zoey would find out later. Zoey had gotten into an MVA that hurt her writs and leg, she once again had a very emotional conversation with Chip where she poured her heart out. After their talk he went on duty, leaving her alone to her own devices as she could not go back to work in her condition, she began falling into a depression and wanted to go to their secret and special spot, which was on top of large bridge on a freeway, with her injured leg she lost balance and fell to the ground. She was rushed to the hospital where they found internal bleeding, broken ribs, punctured lung and brain hemorrhaging. She was successfully treated and placed into ICU.

    She spent the entire night and the next day crying until Chip walked into her room, they had another emotional talk where he finally told her that he wanted to break up with her, saying that he doesn't feel like he is good enough for her and that she should find someone better then him. She felt her heart shatter into pieces as he left the room, she broke into uncontrollable crying.

    She spent the entire day curled up in her bed in tears, constantly wondering what she had done wrong, constantly blaming herself, her heart would not stop hurting as she began thinking dark thoughts. She had been cleared to leave the hospital, but there was nowhere for her to go, no one for her to be with so she stayed curled up in her hospital bed, soaking the sheet with her tears.

    Finally the evening came and she simply got out of bed, she sent Chip a message, telling him that he would no longer need to worry about her, to be happy with Sarena and that she would no longer be a problem. She went to their special spot on top of the bridge, he called her multiple times to get her location until she finally told him that he should know where she is. Shortly after he arrived and began trying to comfort her and to calm her until eventually he talked her into going back down the bridge, he took her to his place and stayed with her to make sure she remained safe.

    Zoey was forced off duty and 51/50 (Not mentally sound/fit for duty) for a week while she got counselling to help heal her, additionally she had her badge and gun taken from her temporarily for her safety. Her family also found out what she had done and were upset with her, both her father and Hayley made her promise never to do something like that again and if she ever had those kinds of thoughts to call them before she did anything else. She also found that many of her friends were there for her and showed how much they cared about her.

    Although they were no longer officially dating, Zoey and Chip continued to see each other and spending time together, Zoey continued to hold out hope that he would change his mind as she remained loyal to him.

    Recovery and getting back together

    After a few counselling sessions Zoey was once again cleared for duty and had her badge and gun returned to her. She held her badge close to her heart and vowed never to allow herself to lose it again.

    Although Zoey and Chip had officially split up, they never stopped seeing each other and spending time with each other, she had never once considered dating anyone else and remained faithful to him. One night when she was at Pillbox for her back aching, he offered to give her a message and asked her to resume their relationship, Zoey's heart began racing as there was nothing more that she wanted, when she asked him what had changed, he told her that he had some issues with his family that he had to take care of that put her in danger that were now over with and that he wanted to be happy again, as he had never been as happy as whenever he is with her, a feeling that she shared.

    Over the next few weeks, their relationship grew stronger and better then it had ever been, they spent almost every moment of being off duty together. On April 4th 2020 he told her that he had a surprise for her, throughout the entire day Zoey could only wonder what it could be. Eventually he told her he was ready and she went off duty with him. He took her to their new special place, which was a decommissioned train bridge that ran over a local river, he took a picnic basket out of the trunk, he had made Zoey her favorite meal. She was surprised and happy, she also gave him a watch that had the following engraved in the back

    Chip, this is for every time you make my heart skip a beat, every second of the day i am thinking of you every minute of the day i want to be held by you every hour of the day I want to be loved by you for every single years left in my life, I want to be with you I am forever yours, Zoey

    He then waited for the sun to rise, and got down on one knee and asked her to marry him, she looked at him in shock and smiled as she took the ring and slipped it onto her finger, telling him yes over and over as she hugged and kissed him.

    Promotion to Sgt. and the relationship issues

    Zoey was promoted to the rank of Sgt. and began her duties as a Supervisor, along side of her, Grace was also promoted to Sgt. She also began planning her wedding day

    More to come WIP

    The Start of a new life in San Andreas

    Coming soon
