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  1. Staff Team

    Artificial Intelligence Guidelines

    Artificial Intelligence Guidelines This will be an overall guideline for how we expect Artificial Intelligence to be used and how it should not be used. General Artificial Intelligence Usage If you ever want clarification on whether using AI would be acceptable, please open a support ticket on...
  2. Staff Team

    Updates to Conversations

    Hello all! There have been some updates to the conversations feature of the forums! This guide has been created to help you get a feel for the new tools and features it offers! One of the biggest changes with this update is changing folders to labels, so be sure to go through your existing...
  3. Staff Team

    Wheelchair Guidelines

    We understand that having wheelchairs may be exciting for some! It's a fun RP avenue to go down and a great way to expand on MedRP. However, there are some things that you need to know first and some rules that you must follow. IC: 1) If you ask for a wheelchair, you will not be given one...
  4. Staff Team

    IC Messages & You

    IC Messages & You! Messages outside of the live server can be a useful tool to aid in RP; however, when done improperly, it can lead to a slippery slope of potential metagaming. It’s important to separate IC versus OOC. Below, we have put together some steps and expectations when it comes to...
  5. Staff Team

    Psych RP and You!

    Psych RP is a fantastic avenue for character development and exploring stories for your character and those involved. However, scheduling, general pacing, dependency on a therapist, etc. can make psych RP stressful for both the character getting therapy and the character giving it. It is...
  6. Staff Team

    Yeeter Content Guidelines

    Yeeter Content Guidelines Written by Cara Samson, Leon Fraser, Olivia Adams, and Lahn Lorde When posting content on Yeeter, you are expected to only post content that is appropriate for the server. Discussing certain topics should be avoided from being posted on Yeeter in game. Here are some...
  7. Staff Team

    Regarding DoCL

    Hello all, While we normally do not publicly address situations like these, it has come to our attention that lies are being spread about the reform of the Department of Commerce and Labor (DoCL). I want to start by acknowledging the work that DoCL has done for the community. Managing the...
  8. Staff Team

    (Summer) State Election Information (Governor/Legislator)

    Information regarding this election has been distributed via social media and news outlets and can be considered common knowledge. CITIZENS OF SAN ANDREAS; We are holding our FIFTH regular election for the office of STATE Legislature through five (5) STATE DELEGATES, and the GOVERNORSHIP...
  9. Staff Team

    State of Roleplay in the Runup to 2.0

    Hey Folks, As we inch closer to the release of 2.0 it’s always a good idea to reflect on areas where we can improve on as a community. That being said, there has been an increasing amount of player reports & tickets surrounding the quality of role-play within New Day RP. As a staff team we have...
  10. Staff Team

    Special State Election Information (Legislator)

    Information regarding this election has been distributed via social media and news outlets and can be considered common knowledge. CITIZENS OF SAN ANDREAS; We are holding a special state election for the office of STATE Legislature through one (1) STATE DELEGATES. The election will be carried...
  11. Staff Team

    A New Year | 2021 in Review & Looking Ahead

    First of all, welcome to 2022! 2021 in Review: At the beginning of 2021, New Day RP was only but a twinkle in the eye for some of us - with the community concept and Discord being created on January 13th, this community has been an idea for less than a whole year. But during that year, we've...
  12. Staff Team

    Merry Christmas!

    Twas the night before Christmas & all through the server, Not a creature was stirring, not even P. Workers. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that Gov. Paxton soon would be there. The criminals were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of Vangie goods danced in...
  13. Staff Team

    (Winter) State Election Information (Governor / Legislator)

    Information regarding this election has been distributed via social media and news outlets and can be considered common knowledge. CITIZENS OF SAN ANDREAS; We are holding our SECOND election for the office of STATE Legislature through five (5) STATE DELEGATES, and the GOVERNORSHIP. Both...
  14. Staff Team

    Change to Warning Points / Permanent Bans

    Hi all, We are making some changes to our punishment system for rule-breaks here at New Day RP, and how Warning Points are handled. Going forward from today, if you reach 30 Warning Points over a 6 month period, you will be permanently banned. This is a change from the old system, which was 30...
  15. Staff Team

    Questions/Issues for the Gubernatorial/State Representative Candidate Debates

    Information distributed via social media and various news channels Dear Citizens of San Andreas, The San Andreas Election Commission will be holding 2 debates, one for the State Representative Candidates and one for the Gubernatorial Candidates. We will be looking to you the Citizens of San...
  16. Staff Team

    (Fall) State Election Information (Governor / Legislator)

    Information regarding this election has been distributed via social media and news outlets and can be considered common knowledge. CITIZENS OF SAN ANDREAS; We are holding our SECOND election for the office of STATE Legislature through five (5) STATE DELEGATES, and the GOVERNORSHIP. Both...
  17. Staff Team

    State Special Election Information (Representative)

    Information regarding this election has been distributed via social media and news outlets and can be considered common knowledge. CITIZENS OF SAN ANDREAS; We are holding a Special Election to fill a vacant State Representative seat, and fill 2 new Representative seats (bringing the total...
  18. Staff Team

    Mental Health Support Resources

    Mental Health Support Resources Mental health can be a very hard topic to speak about but it is so very important. That is because you are important. Communication can be a hugely critical thing. Reach out to friends when you are struggling, or if you see a friend who is struggling. We are...
  19. Staff Team

    (Spring) State Election Information (Governor / Legislator)

    Information regarding this election has been distributed via social media and news outlets and can be considered common knowledge. CITIZENS OF SAN ANDREAS; We are holding our FIRST election for the office of STATE Legislature through three (3) STATE DELEGATES, and the GOVERNORSHIP. The State...
  20. Staff Team

    New to New Day RP?

    First of all, if you are reading this recently after being Whitelisted, congratulations and welcome to New Day RP. This post will outline all current information you should be aware of when joining the community. The Basics FAQs - This "Frequently Asked Questions" page will have answers to...