[Poll] Transition to Cash as Item

Transition to Cash as an Inventory Item

  • Yes

    Votes: 238 41.2%
  • No

    Votes: 340 58.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Arthur Mayweather

Well-known member
Public Works
Apr 24, 2021
I’ve often heard people mention the amount of money they have in their pockets; recently, someone told me they had 40k, and the idea of being able to take that is pretty wild.
A limit on how much your pockets can carry without a briefcase would be a better solution.

Arthur Mayweather

Well-known member
Public Works
Apr 24, 2021
To your example, someone taking longer than 20 seconds to /givecash would basically be failRP if they are trying to stall for cops. If someone is trying to steal cash (something I've done on my crim in the past), they will do so regardless.

If anything, people don't steal cash enough during player robberies. They just take a gun and one item because it's awkward as fuck and immersion breaking as hell to type "/me takes cash" or "/me checks wallet for cash".

I'm fully in support of this change, and wished it was a thing far sooner than this. I think this promotes criminal conflict RP. If you think this promotes groups constantly robbing civilians, just remember staff tickets and/or reports are a thing and people who try to abuse it would obviously be dealt with. It's really as simple as that.

Edit: I'm honestly surprised at the number of people who voted no but failed to articulate valid arguments here in the thread as to why. Cash item would be more RP, something we all should be wanting.
You're asking an already stressed team to take on work for a problem that doesn't exist. Roleplaying with /me is awkward? 90% of roleplay is done with /me. How does taking a gun, or items not already promote Crim conflict rp?

Vic Nailburry

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2022
Good Point on Briefcase, and I do agree when I put my poll in and I saw the no votes but not a sufficient reason I don't see how it will justify why it shouldn't be added if their isn't a proper response.
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Samuel Davidson

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2022
You're asking an already stressed team to take on work for a problem that doesn't exist. Roleplaying with /me is awkward? 90% of roleplay is done with /me. How does taking a gun, or items not already promote Crim conflict rp?
What are you talking about taking on work? They already said in the initial poll that they've already worked on this feature and are readying it for implementation.
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Arthur Mayweather

Well-known member
Public Works
Apr 24, 2021
What are you talking about taking on work? They already said in the initial poll that they've already worked on this feature and are readying it for implementation.
Adding another need to put in a ticket about something. As I said earlier proving intent is a drawn out process. Go look at the reports. Any way we can make the staffs job easier we should be. If that means doing /me then whats the issue? All of medical RP is done with /me and that has some of the best RP in the community.

Samuel Davidson

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2022
Adding another need to put in a ticket about something. As I said earlier proving intent is a drawn out process. Go look at the reports. Any way we can make the staffs job easier we should be. If that means doing /me then whats the issue? All of medical RP is done with /me and that has some of the best RP in the community.
You've argued with every single supportive comment here in defense of the staff, when it's the admins/staff looking to implement this feature themselves. Please present an in game argument against this feature that isn't just about staff tickets. And yes I saw your argument about people being robbed. Robbery is RP and robbing large amount of cash IS RP whether you don't want them to or not. It's GTA, people get robbed and that's a primary part of the server.

Hanabara Mayberry

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2021
I voted yes, but I'm happy to continue as we are without cash as item, even though I think it would have been cool, but can we still have the rounding aspect still implemented? I hate that I can't even out my bank account $ with exact change, so I'm perpetually stuck with $ .40 I can't take out or put in to fix.

Arthur Mayweather

Well-known member
Public Works
Apr 24, 2021
You've argued with every single supportive comment here in defense of the staff, when it's the admins/staff looking to implement this feature themselves. Please present an in game argument against this feature that isn't just about staff tickets. And yes I saw your argument about people being robbed. Robbery is RP and robbing large amount of cash IS RP whether you don't want them to or not. It's GTA, people get robbed and that's a primary part of the server.
I totally agree robbery is RP. You can already do it. Why change it to add something that will clutter inventories? So you have something in your inventory to touch?
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Michaelangelo DiPietro

Well-known member
State Police
Jun 20, 2022
I totally agree robbery is RP. You can already do it. Why change it to add something that will clutter inventories? So you have something in your inventory to touch?
Typing a command to check your cash, checking someone's number, and then typing another command to give the cash is a lot clunkier than giving it the same way every other thing is given. Same goes for robberies - a lot clunkier and more annoying for the same process.

Arthur Mayweather

Well-known member
Public Works
Apr 24, 2021
Typing a command to check your cash, checking someone's number, and then typing another command to give the cash is a lot clunkier than giving it the same way every other thing is given. Same goes for robberies - a lot clunkier and more annoying for the same process.
I can agree it is clunky, but its functional. Customers do it every day at businesses.

Jacob Cole

Well-known member
Silver Supporter
Feb 15, 2022
I voted no, but in all honestly a third option of “indifferent” would be more accurate. I haven’t been in the community long or very actively, but I’ve seen others with and without the feature before and it in large part doesn’t make much of a difference in terms of how money is used. There is generally a natural progression of how it affects player behavior though.

Players - generally newer, less familiar with the server and how to make money in it - grind at a job for hours and become fearful of losing what money they have, and so avoid carrying much of it at all. Usually only exactly what they need for a large purchase that’s going to be offloaded as quickly as possible or enough to buy their next meal / fill up at the gas pump. In turn, some crims grow frustrated that players don’t carry enough on them to make mugging worthwhile.

Occasionally people will carry money expressly for the purpose of having enough on them to give to crims, or servers will try to encourage the community as a whole to do so. How effective that is is up for debate.

All in all I don’t see it making much of a difference in the long run. The general rule of “don’t carry what you aren’t comfortable with losing” will hold true and people who don’t want to lose it will avoid carrying it if they can.
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Cherry Bellefleur

Fossil Hunter
2.0 Supporter
Gold Supporter
Cabinet Member
LEO Supervisor
Jun 7, 2021
If anything, people don't steal cash enough during player robberies. They just take a gun and one item because it's awkward as fuck and immersion breaking as hell to type "/me takes cash" or "/me checks wallet for cash".
An alternative, should this be down voted and not implemented, is to allow players to see how much cash someone is carrying when they do the G -> Rob option. It used to be something we could see, and LEO still see it on search. Just a small idea for those that want to do that side of criminal RP and worry about people lying/etc.

Claire DiPietro

Well-known member
LEO Supervisor
State Police
Aug 28, 2021
Main questions I have are:
- Would we still have the availability to purchase from businesses with cash or card?
- Would cash as an item function in giving from the inventory like everything else? So if I need to hand someone an amount and don't want to use the / command, it would be giving a single dollar at a time or dropping the correct amount on the ground?

Adam Vauxhall-Sharpe

Well-known member
Silver Supporter
Department of Corrections
May 22, 2023
Wales, UK
After being in multiple other communities
Having cash as an item is beneficial as a role-playing aspect but sadly this comes at a major disadvantage as it can be heavily exploitable when partnered with different scripts, overall after weighing up the pros and cons of this, it's overall negative if you want to make cash seem like an item simply use the envelopes as they are a cash base use so take the cash out of the envelope for rp scenarios personally I don't think there's a need to change this, as the negatives outweighs the positives and there is also a workaround in place as stated above.
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Vivian Chopper

Best Chopper
Silver Supporter
SAPD Command
Jun 6, 2021
England, UK
Honestly the more comments coming through makes it seem like a nightmare for the devs to code 😅

Would much rather people be able to see the cash in pockets when robbing like mentioned above. That's the only benefit that I can fully see from it that can be easily fixed.

BaileyAnn Szwed

Well-known member
Feb 6, 2024
I already RP having to go to the bank after, say, the Rangers come through Snackies to pay all the cake fines, and tip outrageous amounts. I try to keep less than 2k on me, most of the time less, already. This would add a more realistic RP component to seeing how much cash i have on me.

The only question i have is would spending it or depositing it work the same? Would /cash see all the money in my wallet as well as out of it?
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Hal Teller

New member
May 10, 2024
If this is implemented it will cause more problems. Please fix the server side lag before adding this. It’s hard enough to try and open my inventory without a delay recently. And I know many people are dealing with inventory lag and issues interacting with things. Fix that first before adding more strain on the system. I also agree with the other that adding an option to see cash when G menu robbing is a better option.
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Cooper Bergowitz

Rockstar of the North
Gold Supporter
Apr 18, 2021
+ 1. This would be a good opportunity to add multiple currencies to the server as well. Please add Pesos and CAD, I would like to become the #1 money transfer service in San Andreas.

All cars at Backcountry Autos required to be purchased in cash!