Annie Coady

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  • Annie Coady

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Linoleum Lickers (Bella Thompson)
      DAUGHTERRRR (Buffy Blake-Wren)


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Mother (biological): Cynthia Coady [Deceased]
      Father (biological): Father John [Deceased]
      Brother (biological): Andre Coady [Alive]
      Brother (biological): Harvey Coady [Alive]

      Immediate Family:
      Son (adopted): Nemo Mahone [Alive]
      Work-Wife: Rose Freeman-Wren [Alive]
      Toemie: Dante Zito [Alive]

      Adopted Family:
      Grandma (adopted): Helena Cassidy-Wren [Alive]
      Grandpa (adopted): Theodore Cassidy-Wren [Alive]
      Mother (adopted): Buffy Cassidy-Wren [Alive]
      Brother (adopted): Richard Rau-Wren [Alive]
      Brother (adopted): Callum Wren [Alive]
      Brother (adopted): Boris Wren-Turgenev [Alive]


    • Occupation:
      Medical Advisor (SAMS)
      Correspondent (Weazel News)
      Assistant Manager (The Pit)
      Author (Brown Back Books)
      Dancer (Vanilla Unicorn)
      Worker (Pops Diner)
      Bartender (Cockatoos)
      Worker (Stella Melon)
      Lawyer (Unaffiliated)
      Owner (Meridian)
      Photographer (Momenti Damore Photography)
      Worker (Fluffy Clouds Coffee Co)
      Yardworker (Kraut N Sons)
      Dancer (Purple Fantasy)
      Senior Employee (Caked Up)
      Junior Salesperson (A Sidebar and Tobacco)

      Previous Occupations:
      Owner (Vibe Check)
      Worker (Pineapple Express)
      Board Member (San Andreas Board of Education)
    • Faction Affilations:


    Annie has white hair and pale blue eyes. The entirety of her body, bar her face and the back of her thighs, is covered in tattoos. Her middle finger on her right-hand bends slightly to the left from a previous incident when she was in the IMPD. She has a large abdominal scar from when her adopted son, Nemo Mahone, 'accidentally' stabbed her in the abdomen with a broken bottle. She has a smaller scar over her heart due to her recent transplant. She is normally seen wearing circular sunglasses and, if not at work at SAMS or Pops Diner, is barefoot. She tends to wear darker colours and shades of green. She has a British accent.


    Growing up with her siblings was mostly fine, other than the fact she never had any peace and quiet. Not to say that she didn’t love them, she just wanted them to leave her alone sometimes. She was the middle child, so benefitted from the fact her parents were often more occupied with her siblings than they were paying attention to what she was up to. This gave her a lot of freedom as a kid, and she would go away with her grandparents as often as she could, helping her grandad in his garage to fix up the cars that came in. In actuality, she did little more than sit on a stool and eat, but she felt helpful.

    As she grew up, her siblings became more irritating; her brother was loud and argumentative, often violent, and her younger brother was focused on his computer, content to ignore the world in favour of little digital avatars. She didn't get on with them very well, preferring to spend time by herself instead. When she wasn't at school, she could be found listening to her music in her room, progressing from Busted and MCR to folk music, her clothing shifting to match.

    This led to her spending more time out, staying out after school until it got dark out and she could barely find her way home. She started smoking at 14, having seen her friends do it and telling her it helped with stress. She wasn't sure this was true, but who actually cares? When she was staying out, she’d take the time to go and see nature, the time amongst the trees is some of the most calming time she had. She would wander for hours, getting lost until it got dark, then trying to find her way home again.

    As she got older, she decided she wanted to go to university. She had taken an interest in science, her dad used to teach her how to see the stars through a telescope, showing her all the different constellations. They would spend hours lying in the grass watching meteor showers and the full moon. She didn’t want to specialise in astrophysics, though, she wanted to do chemistry. She wanted to help make things to help people.

    So, she chose her GCSES, and then her A Levels in order to get her medical degree. She had just finished her A levels when the news came of her father finally passing away. He had been in a hospice for months, his skin slowly sagging as life bled out of him. She knew she would not be able to simply go to university now, and that she would have to work to support her family in his place. This wasn't something she hated, but the plans she had now had to be thrown out of the window.

    When she realised that the money she made at Tesco wasn't enough, she turned to other… means to get money. She met up with an old boyfriend she'd had who had started selling and asked if she could buy some stuff from him. And so it began, the downward spiral that would put her family in the place they needed to be, her little brother too lazy to work, her mum too depressed, and her older brother now in prison for beating the shit out of the wrong person. It wasn't that she hated what she did, the adrenaline was kind of fun to her, she just still held that little girl who used to look at the stars in her heart.

    She ended up selling for a few years, making enough to be able to give her mum a decent amount before she left, wanting to ensure that they would all be okay without her. She bade them goodbye, changing her phone number as she left. She moved back to Bristol, and her real work began. Starting out as a trauma surgeon in the Bristol Accidents and Emergencies Department, she became accustomed to the long hours and relatively thankless nature of the job. She continued working here for two years, before specialising in cardiothoracics. Her mentor, Dr. Robins, took her under her wing, training her in the intricacies of cardiothoracic care. Shortly after, however, her mother passed away. Cynthia had never been the best mother to her, always preferring her brothers and their innate charm over her incessant need to work, but she was still her mother.

    With that, she sent out her application to work within the Indianapolis Homicide Department. She'd been to Indiana a few times, going to see friends she'd made throughout her years at St. Andrews, and it seemed, overall, like a nice place to live. The work there also gave her a green card, which enabled her to live within the States for a time before she applied for dual citizenship. Her work there was unlike anything she had done before, being more of a combined police/medical role than simply being a Medical Examiner. However, during this time, she experienced true violence. She had been shot, stabbed and tortured. Many didn't like her, as it was her job to collect evidence, working with the IMPD to gather data about murderers and worse. It reached a critical point, where she realised she could no longer keep working there, and couldn't deal with the constant threat of death.

    She broke one day when she had been rescued from a small glass box. The people who had taken her had injected her with a number of different poisons and chemicals, breaking some of her ribs, her arm and her leg in the process. She had been sure she was going to die in that room and had accepted her fate. It was the end of her time in the department, and she knew she needed a fresh start. With that, she packed her bags, saying goodbye to the friends she had made, old and new, and headed to Los Santos.

    During her time in Los Santos Annie has worked in many jobs, with her main priority being her work in the San Andreas Medical Services. Annie was hired on the 9th of April 2023, and has worked her way to become a Medical Director and the Chief Medical Examiner in that time. In 2025, Annie resigned her post as she Deputy Surgeon General and Chief Medical Examiner, deciding to step back and into the role of a medical advisor, whilst continuing her work for Kraut and Sons, Meridian, and others.


    - Is scared of the dark
    - Hates other people's feet
    - Does not like the colour orange
    - Was a contestant in the Miss San Andreas Pageant (Little Seoul District)
    - Thinks that shoes are a scam invented by Big Shoe (does not wear them unless forced)
    - Underwent a heart transplant in March 2024
    - Was promoted to Chief of Staff in March 2024