Nathan Rowe

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  • Nathan Rowe

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      12th February 1994
    • Birthplace:
      South Yorkshire, England
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      "Nate", "Nova", "Wrench"


    • Marital Status:
      Married to Serena Rowe
    • Relatives:
      Liam Rowe (Father)
      Phoebe Rowe (Mother)
      Thomas Rowe (Brother)
      William "Bill" Rowe (Uncle)
      Karmen McKenzie (Cousin)
      Viktoria Rowe (Daughter)


    • Occupation:
      Alibi Bar & Billiards, 44 Annex, Lock & Key Storage.
    • Faction Affilations:
      Criminal - Devils Disciples MC - Vice President


    Nathan Andrew Rowe is a level-headed, yet chaotic person who tries to find the right and wrongs of the actions before acting. Sometimes coming off as hot-headed in certain situations, Nathan is a man of results. Nathan has a very street-style fashion due to his drug-dealing past in his youth and his love for street racing. Covered from the neck down, Nathan has tattoos all over his body and a distinct scar on his shoulder identifiable from a gunshot wound.

    Nathan is known to be an "easy to get along" person, but as soon as the slightest bit of disrespect is shown to him. He is known to show that disrespect in return. Whether the disrespect is shown through a verbal manner or his actions. Once his mind is set on something, he mostly intends to do it.


    At a young age Nathan was always mischievous. He always got himself into trouble, and that persisted throughout his life when he committed crimes back in his hometown in the UK through misdemeanours and drug dealing. At the age of 18 Nathan was more than trouble, always being on the wrong side of holding cells or even prison cells.

    At the age of 24; Nathan had set his course to Los Santos, San Andreas to look for more in life and see what opportunities came his way. Only to end up in the same place all over again committing misdemeanour crimes that lead to more felonious crimes. That continued towards Nathan joining his first MC by the name of "Scarlet Rose MC" where his crimes seemed to get more serious with every waking moment. After the downfall of the MC, reality hit him and he took a step back from his endangering lifestyle.

    At the age of 25 Nathan worked two jobs in Los Santos as security for the Vanilla Unicorn and as a mechanic for Pastel Customs. During this time he met his former partner, Nila Azule, and they spent most times with each other up to the point of Nathan getting into the life of parenthood. Both Nathan and Nila agreed to settle down to have their child in Nila's hometown in Russia to which Nathan left Los Santos.

    At age 27; Nathan returns to Los Santos with friends Dylan Strike, Titus King, Max McDow and Alekzander Morozov to form the Deaths Rowe MC. Nathan never outlived his troublemaking past and went back to it in the form of a "One Percenter" MC he founded alongside Dylan; Later even brought in his own family Karmen Strike (formerly Rowe), his younger cousin, as the club's Chaplain. Their reign of power and control to certain extents was short-lived after a few months of the MC being made, came to a downfall. Leaving Nathan and his newly found partner Serena Johnson to continue their interest in Motorcycle Clubs along the lines of the Devils Disciples MC.

    Nathan wanted to join the Devils Disciples MC after speaking with his primary contact to the club, Kevin Hudson. After being informed of the changes, Nathan set his path and loyalty to DDMC and their current chapter within Los Santos.

    He now spends his time around Devil's Disciples MC to further prove his loyalty and brotherhood towards the MC.

    After spending time around the club; He managed to make his way to the position of Tailgunner for the club, later Road Captain, and finally to Vice President. Making attemptes to assist the club in a diplomatic manner in the best ways that he can.


    Devils Disciples MC (Vice President) - Present
    • After leaving Deaths Rowe MC through the guilt of their actions and wanting change in his life; Nathan confronted Kevin Hudson in hopes of joining Devils Disciples MC in hopes of changing the life he lived and learning from past mistakes he had made through the Motorcycle Club he feels he wronged through violent actions in the name of one of their patched. Nathan was welcomed by few and earned the trust of many over time. Nathan showed his loyalty to the MC by assisting the other Prospects and Patching in the MC through various tasks ahead. Now feeling like a part of Devil's Disciples MC, Nathan remains to back up his brothers and sisters in the MC who in the end all welcomed him into his new family.

    Deaths Rowe MC (Founder / Former President) - Past
    • Deaths Rowe was a concept made by both himself and his friend Dylan Strike, to begin with. When they got their numbers to a solid four, made the concept into a reality in the city of Los Santos. Deaths Rowe MC was marked in the Vinewood area and their numbers began to grow through their actions and the passing word from many who supported the MC. However, actions were made after a close friend of the club was found out to be deceased and those actions caused the downfall of the club. Members vanished and morale began to fall. These actions left Nathan with guilt to the point he left the Presidency to Dylan Strike and went Nomad for the club, feeling he wasn't fit to lead the MC anymore. A short while after going Nomad, left the club entirely to look for a future elsewhere.

    Scarlet Roses MC (Former Prospect) - Past
    • The Scarlet Roses MC was the first MC that Nathan had joined which lead him to his love of riding a motorcycle and brotherhood between people who enjoyed the same thing. Nathan spent a fair amount of months with the MC before the club was attacked by a rival organization that destroyed the club in one action. Leading the downfall of the Scarlet Roses MC and the end to Nathan's beginning in MC lifestyle.


    • "Righto."
    • "Not my pig, not my farm."
    • "Best motorcyclist in LS, right here."
    • "Blinders, baby"
    • "Fuckin' A, Sweetie"
    • Nathan's love for specific sceneries comes from his past interest in Photographic Art.
    • Nathans's very first motorcycle was a Wolfsbane he got 4 years ago when joining Scarlet Roses MC.
    • Nathans's support for crime comes from his adrenaline he feels every time he does something high-risk.