Let's Talk Medical

Marie Ariez

Well-known member
Feb 7, 2021
Realistically, if you fall off your bike and skin your knee, would you call for an ambulance? (For clarifications sake this was a BMX, not a motorcycle)
I have to agree with this, completely, I played Kit Detwiler in WWRP, Our sister site as many know I was huge in the medical RP but this? no I avoid it at all costs, not only am I a person who in reality, has been broken, bloody and screaming if anyone called EMS they would need them, which is a very common mindset particularly among Americans for reasons we very well know, the fact that my medically trained heavily experienced merc cant deal with a sprained ankle on her own to top the forced injury system that turns you into a fish out of water anytime you are injured? It's ruined med rp for me, doctors basically only wanting to be a mechanical tool with no outside-of-the-box RP allowed regardless of IC reasons..whats even the point, I cant decide how I've been hurt, I cant treat myself, we can't even go in using the locals and leave because nothing about this process is enjoyable anymore without it being seen as FailRP, Coming from WWRP and the hella enjoyable medical RP found there? It's been a nightmare, I have walked on a broken ankle for weeks, I have self-treated wounds that honestly could have used stitches, the human body is not this frail.

Forrest Mann

The Whole Table
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Jan 11, 2021
doctors basically only wanting to be a mechanical tool with no outside-of-the-box RP allowed regardless of IC reasons
I have been to the hospital plenty of times and I have never had this experience. Every time I go, Doctors are inquisitive about what happened, and roll with the roleplay that I provide back to them. Our peds are not super squishy - They can take a bit of a beating before they actually end up in the downed state. If you find yourself there, avoiding the system is not the way to go about the RP that can come with it. Of course people who are there providing medical RP will not be happy to see you come in, see a local doctor and walk out - because they are there to give you RP and help you with your injury.
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Nikki OLeary

New member
Apr 14, 2021
The problem is, people often take it too far. There's such thing as rude patients, I 100% agree, and that's fine. But a lot of the time, things get taken too far and for no particular reason. If everyone is rude/aggressive/hostile with EMS just because that's who they are, it is very excessive at times. If you have a REASON to be that way, sure, absolutely, RP it out. But that being said, there really is no room for hostilities like gunfights, robberies, kidnappings, etc at the hospital. It's very unnecessary most of the time and should be avoided. Long storylines that for some reason need to culminate in the hospital? OK, but that shouldn't be a common occurrence.

Agree 100%, and I dont know everything the staff has been dealing with, but specific to today's events I just wanted to make sure it was clear that the person who got shot, was shot because he had a cop held at gunpoint. That event, to my knowledge, was not related specifically to Pillbox in any way. None of the Pillbox staff were directly involved in the shooting, none of them were held at gunpoint or threatened. In fact, none of them were even involved, except for the fact that it occurred outside their hospital and they came out to respond after the shooting occurred and the police had the situation under control.

Naiah Culligan

Feb 6, 2021
Should probably just make it a rule otherwise new people aren't going to know. Or at least pin some form of TL;DR to the rules page so people know before they do something they'll get banned for.
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Forrest Mann

The Whole Table
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SAPD Apprentice
Jan 11, 2021
@Nikki OLeary The situation that happened earlier is concerning, but it sounds like you didn't start those hostilities (by what you're saying). I'm talking about people who start hostilities AT Pillbox, in general, not just specifically tonight.

Marie Ariez

Well-known member
Feb 7, 2021
I have been to the hospital plenty of times and I have never had this experience. Every time I go, Doctors are inquisitive about what happened, and roll with the roleplay that I provide back to them. Our peds are not super squishy - They can take a bit of a beating before they actually end up in the downed state. If you find yourself there, avoiding the system is not the way to go about the RP that can come with it. Of course people who are there providing medical RP will not be happy to see you come in, see a local doctor and walk out - because they are there to give you RP and help you with your injury.
I have been bumped by a car that because of how laggy the world is came literally out of thin air, stumbled, and completely rendered unable to continue the RP I was actually enjoying and wanting to engage in by flopping around like an electrified dead fish. I have bled out from the same sort of situation, I am sorry Sir, but I utterly disagree that the peds are not squishy, it may take a bit to KO but even minor injuries bring any RP to a screeching halt so you can deal with forced medical RP where creativity is not allowed due to the forced injury system because self-treatment is utterly ineffective and as we saw in the suggestion about allowing the rest of us access to basic medical supplies, likely never going to be effective because if you don't want to play EMS or a doctor your just out of luck no matter the experience you may have IC or OOC.

Niko Sapper

Emotional Terrorist
Feb 7, 2021
Highlighted part depends on where you live IRL, because where live there have been a lot of hostility at a couple of our hospitals.

Besides that, I kind of agree with both sides of this debate...like things such as shootings and stuff like that shouldn't take place at Pillbox but things as far as rude ass patients, argumentative patients and things along those lines should be ok. Like Pillbox shouldn't be a completely greenzone or be treated as such but I feel we as a community should understand why this is being brought up and to keep the more hardcore hostile RP out of that area...
I agree with this. The hospital that I rotate at and my wife works at there are quite a bit of hostile patients. While you generally will have more good experiences with patients than bad, there are a lot of people who treat you like garbage no matter what you do. Just the other day there was a patient who told the nurse when she walked in the room to check his vitals that she should quit her job because she was clearly bad at it. Why? Because she interrupted him watching his TV. Personally, it doesn't bother me if people are hostile in the hospital. It happens and it comes with the job. But, if you're not used to it, people like that can definitely get under your skin.

It's not uncommon for crime to occur near the hospital as well, however, shootouts? No. I don't think a green zone needs to be implemented as that restricts RP however I don't think it's realistic for people to just sit outside the hospital fighting with each other.

Benny Henderson

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2021
I agree with this. The hospital that I rotate at and my wife works at there are quite a bit of hostile patients. While you generally will have more good experiences with patients than bad, there are a lot of people who treat you like garbage no matter what you do. Just the other day there was a patient who told the nurse when she walked in the room to check his vitals that she should quit her job because she was clearly bad at it. Why? Because she interrupted him watching his TV. Personally, it doesn't bother me if people are hostile in the hospital. It happens and it comes with the job. But, if you're not used to it, people like that can definitely get under your skin.

It's not uncommon for crime to occur near the hospital as well, however, shootouts? No. I don't think a green zone needs to be implemented as that restricts RP however I don't think it's realistic for people to just sit outside the hospital fighting with each other.
This was well said. I currently work as an RN in the ED at a Level II Trauma Center in a pretty large city where there is quite a bit of crime and drugs. While most of my patients are genuinely kind and there to be treated, it is definitely not unrealistic to have hostile or angry patients. Just in the last 6 months I have been swung at twice, scratched twice, pt attempted to bite me while getting put in restraints, had a pt who wasnt searched well try to go for a knife in his pocket, had a bed pan full of pee thrown across the room in attempts to hit us, been spit at, got peed on, been threatened more times than I can count, and been cussed out at least once a week. These things do happen. We dont really see crimes and violent shit happen at work but rude patients do happen. We have police officers who are in our ED 24 hours a day and our patients all go through metal detectors before coming in, even if they come in by squad. It would be very hard for a crime with weapons or even a full on assault to happen and pretty unrealistic IRL. I personally do not mind if you want to be rude to me as a medical professional because regardless how you treat me, I have a job to do and that is making sure you get the proper treatment that every patient deserves. Just my two cents here.

Choi Zhangsun

Early Supporter
Jan 19, 2021
It's ruined med rp for me, doctors basically only wanting to be a mechanical tool with no outside-of-the-box RP allowed regardless of IC reasons..whats even the point, I cant decide how I've been hurt, I cant treat myself, we can't even go in using the locals and leave because nothing about this process is enjoyable anymore without it being seen as FailRP, Coming from WWRP and the hella enjoyable medical RP found there? It's been a nightmare, I have walked on a broken ankle for weeks, I have self-treated wounds that honestly could have used stitches, the human body is not this frail.


*None* of my doctors will dictate what your wounds are and if that were to happen I'd expect an email or a report for powergaming, so I don't understand this at all. We specifically tell every new doctor and EMS that the players dictate their injuries, and not the opposite. The status indicators you receive are a guideline and nothing more.

None of us WANT to be treated as a mechanic, exactly the opposite. My first rule for all medical staff is "We are not a mechanic."

And as Moody said, watching people walk past us just to use the locals frankly sucks. We work incredibly hard to provide RP for everyone who comes in in a realistic as possible manner without going so far as to tell people they have to stay home for 2 weeks because they've got a shattered leg. We're pretty lenient, in fact, as far as recommendations for injuries go. So your mindset of avoiding medical RP in NDRP at all costs is completely incomprehensible to me. I will need much greater detail to understand.

Elisabeth Leblanc

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Mar 18, 2021
Quebec, Canada
I've been there only for two days in Pillbox, and I've already seen a bunch of people ignoring us and rushing to get in and out. I think a small effort is always appreciated. The majority of people we encounter are amazing, but happens probably too often that there's a complete disregard for the medical staff there as well.

Choi Zhangsun

Early Supporter
Jan 19, 2021
Furthermore, it isn't the rude patients we're talking about. We deal with rude patients, we understand that happens. Nobody's trying to ban rude patients. It's, again as Moody said, the people who decide to get violent when we ask them to move their cars that are parked in the emergency lane, etc, that we take issue with.

Edited to include what Nellya said above, too many people treat this game like it's GTA Online: Get downed, rezz, get right back at it.

This is not GTA:O

This is a RP that is at least moderately meant to reflect a real working society.

Justin Cooke

Dr. Cookie
Mar 15, 2021
Iowa, USA
I can say from experience elsewhere where I once thought medical RP was cherished but recently it really hasn't been at all is that trying to fly through it just get back at it as Maggie said is such a downer for medical staff and it just makes unfortunate burnout happen when it shouldn't. Medical RP is one of my favorite things because it provides a chance for such a unique interaction to happen and trying to get through it as quickly as possible really puts a damper on things.

Niko Sapper

Emotional Terrorist
Feb 7, 2021
Furthermore, it isn't the rude patients we're talking about. We deal with rude patients, we understand that happens. Nobody's trying to ban rude patients. It's, again as Moody said, the people who decide to get violent when we ask them to move their cars that are parked in the emergency lane, etc, that we take issue with.

Edited to include what Nellya said above, too many people treat this game like it's GTA Online: Get downed, rezz, get right back at it.

This is not GTA:O

This is a RP that is at least moderately meant to reflect a real working society.
Makes more sense.

Yeah, I agree. I don’t think too many rational thinking people (which is what most but not all people RP) would risk getting killed or imprisoned for how many years over where an illegally parked parked car or loitering. It’s almost NVL in a way - not caring about the consequences of starting a firefight like that right outside a major hospital. Just my thoughts though.

Jacob Parker

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Public Works
Mar 22, 2021
As a long time medical proffesional i do kind off agree with some of it.. IF you just come to a hospital to stir the shit pot then it would be '' bye felicia '' but if as someone mentioned had to be a last stand in the hospital with the police, i would totally support at. At least have a solid RP reason about why you should siege the hospital. Going into the lobby and start robbing medics/doctors/receptionists or shooting outside just because you can shouldn't be a legit thing. I don't like green zones either, HOWEVER, i seen the mentality coming from hospital staff/medics when it's a '' in-rule green zone '' that they feel like supermen and straight up telling people '' tHiS iS a gReEn zOnE sO yOu cAnT hUrT mE '' which should be ban-able in itself.

I can agree with small injuries like a scraped knee, that stuff IRL ain't gonna make you unconscious due to bleeding, unless you have hemophilia, which most people don't, but we're working with what we have mechanical wise atm.

The amount of people that goes down and just lays there AFK, because the respond time isn't instant, those who doesn't even bother making 1 /me to a ems trying to see if you're still alive, we'll try to get a respons outa you but we ain't gonna force RP on you, but then you can't really complain either.

Carrying your almost dead friend into the hospital, from a medical proffesional's pov, it is dacing the NVL line. - possible broken back, GSW's (gunshot wounds), broken necks and more - lets carry him to the hospital. There's a reason why ALL first aid courses IRL boldly states NEVER to move anyone that has been in an accident unless you're taking them out of harms way. If we were to RP that everytime, then most people would be in wheelchairs. Yeah, sometimes we do get alittle spicy on this subject, It's nothing personal OOC, We, the hospital guys and gals, do take our medical and injury RP very serious and we know what can happen and we don't want people to die because they had to wait another few mins on a wambulance.

when it all comes to all. We're working with what we're given at this point and we try our best to provide the most realistic medical rp that we can with what we have and if that isn't enough for you.. Then our complaint box at pillbox is ready to take your thoughts.

Tessa Sauvagess

Weenie Hut Jr.
Feb 11, 2021
As someone who's RP'd as the head (and high command) of EMS/Pillbox before, I really, really dislike greenzones, and I really enjoy watching some action when the days are boring (was held hostage more times than I can count and got into several gunfights), but it also should go without saying that you should always have a valid reason to be a dick IC to anyone. Is your character having a shitty day and EMS personnel were being cold or inattentive? By all means, be like "yo, fuckass, my friend is bleeding out here!". That being said, even if your character is an asshole in general, you really should think, would they be a dickhead for zero reason if they existed IRL? If this exact situation was happening IRL, how would they act?

Yes, there are plenty of assholes who are rude and even aggressive and dangerous to medical professionals IRL; in fact, sad statistic here but in most places in the USA, paramedics are assaulted more often than officers and many are even shot or shot at. Buuut, with everything else, you really need to stop and think of how far would your character actually go in this situation? My character was more than willing to scream and beg Walker Webb to let her see her boyfriend today, but she wouldn't have held him at gunpoint and demanded he unlock the room. Okay, she 100% would have and was contemplating it, but I wasn't gonna RP that out for this thread's exact reason.

There's nearly limitless RP that can come from dealing with drama or hostility as a medical professional in RP, but it has to be good quality RP, otherwise it just destroys morale even faster than it would in a crim or civ setting. Assaults and rudeness are unfortunately very common in medical situations, but outright shootings and armed hostage situations, not so much. Doesn't mean they can't happen in RP, but it shouldn't be the go-to every time. In other words, just because you could get the drop on your enemy in surgery, doesn't mean you should. It's low hanging fruit, ultimately, and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary/the hostility builds naturally and not just because it's convenient.

Carrying your almost dead friend into the hospital, from a medical proffesional's pov, it is dacing the NVL line. - possible broken back, GSW's (gunshot wounds), broken necks and more - lets carry him to the hospital. There's a reason why ALL first aid courses IRL boldly states NEVER to move anyone that has been in an accident unless you're taking them out of harms way.

I highly disagree with this. Doing dumb shit because your character (or you yourself) may not know better does not classify as NVL any more than enacting revenge on an armed group of people for shooting your friend. Most people are not RPing characters who have taken first aid classes and only some are smart enough to know not to move them. It also depends on the injuries they're RPing out...Also, people don't think the best when they're panicking and carrying an injured person to a hospital. I know that you absolutely should NEVER give CPR to someone with a pulse, because I understand how CPR works and how it doesn't, but my character Violet doesn't quite know that, so she might try it on someone someday. If they're looking to perma, it'd probably kill them. But is that NVL? Nope.
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Leon Price

Well-known member
Mar 15, 2021
Carrying your almost dead friend into the hospital, from a medical proffesional's pov, it is dacing the NVL line. - possible broken back, GSW's (gunshot wounds), broken necks and more - lets carry him to the hospital. There's a reason why ALL first aid courses IRL boldly states NEVER to move anyone that has been in an accident unless you're taking them out of harms way.
While I completely agree with the idea of "you shouldn't move anyone who's been in an accident", in practice, it's difficult. As Violet said, doing dumb stuff happens very easily when people start to panic, IC and OOC.

IC, you just want to get your friend, or even someone in general, to the hospital as quick as you can and don't want to wait for anyone. You're thinking you're doing the best thing by getting them to the hospital immediately. But, you could be injuring more them in the process.

OOC, I'll say, my first day in server, I got caught with running across a person laying in the road and didn't know how to do 911. That was my first instinct. But, my first instinct was to pull out the phone, not pulling up the text chat. So, OOC I was definitely was freaking out, not knowing how to handle it. I saw the "carry" command in the G Menu. So, that's what I ended up with.

In my case, it would have been nice to have the few /911, /311, and /211 commands in the FAQs so I could have gotten EMS out there. That said, there was some other RP that spurred from it. So, that was fun.

Sara Fox

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Feb 14, 2021
I have been to the hospital plenty of times and I have never had this experience. Every time I go, Doctors are inquisitive about what happened, and roll with the roleplay that I provide back to them. Our peds are not super squishy - They can take a bit of a beating before they actually end up in the downed state. If you find yourself there, avoiding the system is not the way to go about the RP that can come with it. Of course people who are there providing medical RP will not be happy to see you come in, see a local doctor and walk out - because they are there to give you RP and help you with your injury.
I wish I could say the same thing, but I have been brought into the hospital before (let me preface this by saying we did call for EMS but none arrived so my girlfriend at the time (now wife) had to take me) because a local collided with me when I got out of my GOPostal van. I was role playing out through /me that my character was bleeding profusely from her side. When I was taken in I did /me's at the front desk, where four doctors and a receptionist were standing, but my /me was ignored. My character's girlfriend said that I was severely injured and bleeding out, but the doctors literally just stood there doing absolutely nothing, and yes those doctors were on duty, and no none of them were afk. They had their lab coats on and everything. Instead they just stood there talking to each other, and it took well over a minute for a doctor to finally realize 'oh there is a patient here that needs help'. So if you have doctors who are being neglectful can you really blame people for wanting to just see the local doctor?

Bam Morrison

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2021
Miami, Florida
I'm of two minds on some of this

On one hand I respect people that dedicate themselves to medical RP. I've personally never taken to it in almost a decade of roleplay, I never enjoyed conducting it and I never had the patience to learn it, and because of that I enjoy providing opportunities for medical RP for people. I totally understand that sometimes it can be very annoying and demoralizing for them to see someone get carried in and get treated by the local doctors. I would probably be annoyed in their shoes too.

On the other hand, I really really don't understand the frustrations that come from some certain cases. For instance, if someone does something like falling two inches off the ground, and FiveM decides that they now have a broken leg and can't walk, and they simply want to not RP it out in such a way, and instead want to go to the hospital and get it taken care of quickly and timely so they don't have to put everything on hold for 20+ minutes to wait for EMS to arrive, tell the EMS what happened, receive some field treatment, possibly get transported to Pillbox, explain what happened to the doctor there, get treated by the doctor there, then arrange a ride back, wait for the ride, THEN get back to what they were doing, it can really be annoying. Especially if you're clumsy as fuck like me and go to pillbox 5+ times a day on a good day. It just gets repetitive and annoying. Sometimes, frankly, I don't mind my friend taking me to pillbox and checking myself in and getting treated by the locals, because my urge to get back to what I was doing overpowers my wants for to provide injury RP.

I can definitely understand why a lot of people want to be in and out. Sometimes extensive medical RP isn't what someone is looking for regarding a small injury, especially since Fivem has no standard to what qualifies as a broken bone, or what would do X amount of damage. There's been times where all I did was push someone once against a wall, and they go 100-0. If we're in the middle of something or a discussion or an activity and that happens, I can understand them not having the care to go through the 20 minute on average process of going through the pillbox standard. Yes of course in a perfect world and if I was a better person I would always want to provide injury RP for our hard working medical staff but sometimes, I'm just a selfish and irritated man who wants to get back to what he was doing before Fivem decided that instead of a scraped knee, I have an injury equivalent to slamming into a brick wall going 200mph.

As far as hostilities at Pillbox go, it's poor form for sure, but either make it a rule or just keep it on a good faith thing. Case by case stuff gets muddy because it can seem unfair really quickly when one person does X there and doesn't get punished by another guy does Y there and gets slapped up with a ban.

Sincerely, the person who probably gets sent to pillbox the most on average out of almost anyone.
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Ella Bright-Starr

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Feb 12, 2021
Hey all

As someone who is a nurse IRL i would like to touch on a few issues that i have noticed now this is not an attack at anyone this is simply what i as a Civ player have noticed.

So EMS: When i first started there was two servers and i was always on server two cause server one was always packed, So we settled now i was hurt 3 times in server 2 and not once was there EMS or a doctor, HOWEVER moving forward we are now at 250 people i think it is, And EMS presence has been noticed and its been ok for the most part in saying this there has been a few occasions that EMS could have been better, IE: 3 EMS responding to 1 call while it also took them 10 mins to get there i wasn't even a mile from pillbox we got no response so i have no idea if any are around or even on their way, but had I picked him up and taken him in we get yelled at for taking them in ourselves (Which has happened a few times), but are we spose to let them bleed out? we can administer first aid and try to help, but still when you are sitting there for 10 mins while your friend is sitting there bleeding it sucks.

Doctors: Well there has been some good ones i will say, but some really need more training in /me with medical stuff, (Even patients need to learn to) But in saying this it takes time and i understand that. Now as for doctors not ignoring you well i can say that what Davina has stated above me is very true, now i know that this can be done IC with complaints but it seems that there is not enough care for it, when i have attempted to lodge a complaint with someone in the past the way they spoke to me was like "oh great just another complainer." There was no care nor empathy and i don't even know if it was actually lodged.

At any rate, People should be allowed to bring their friends into pillbox without getting the 3rd degree, Staff of PB needs to pay attention and some need more training, Patients also need to learn to med RP seen a lot of
EMS; /me checks injury's
Patient: /me doesnt look good
This makes it hard for EMS and doctors PLEASE start being like /me 3 inch cut on leg bleeding heavy

As for the green zone, This should be just a thing that everyone should know! like i get that you may have a chance to do something you want to like break your friends out from the cops, or take a hostage, but just wait till they leave, find another way to do it. I get that it happens IRL but this is a game and we need some kind of order or it would go to shit. Also people should not be running to it if you are being chased, go to the PD that would make more sense, not to PB cause there is a ATM.

Now i will say the other night with that escaped patent that was a lot of fun, so i know there is a lot of potential here and i am looking forward to seeing the med RP get better and people to learn, But also to the Civs, PD, MC's, Gangs, and everyone in between, LEARN Med RP please.

Thank you for reading this long ass post.