To be perfectly honest, I don't enjoy medical RP, unless it's in a server that isn't focused on realism. Being able to replace someone's kneecaps with turtle shells was just about the height of medical RP for me, beyond some actually-realistic physiotherapy RP I was once given. Medical and injury RP can be fun when there's wacky elements to it, but since New Day is very focused on realism, I find it rather unpalatable, though that's not entirely the fault of the med staff; it's simply the nature of the beast. My one critique is some staff clearly need to do more research, as I have tried time and time again to RP stuff that ranges from only slightly outside the norm to fairly complex (but still google-able), and most often it devolves into confusion on their end and me trying to figure out whether or not it'd be appropriate to /ooc "I'm trying to RP this condition". I don't wish to shame anybody and will not name names as there's always room for improvement and chances to learn. I also don't expect perfection by any means, but I do hope any doctors or EMTs/paramedics reading this are reminded that Google is your friend and a very useful resource, both in the moment and during downtime. And it'll help you avoid lawsuits before you give one of my characters a lethal dose of morphine again...

(Which is
not an anesthetic, by the way!)
My point is, I think medical RP could be a little more enjoyable if people on both sides educated themselves about whatever injuries they're trying to RP, and maybe also considered exploring non-traumatic injuries like the ones Vick Torino listed in his beautiful thread. (Or ones not listed!) For example, I'm currently trying to RP that my character Arden has multiple sclerosis, but it's been hard because it seems to be over a few doctors' heads. I'd like to be able to have good RP there, and that'd require a doctor to do some research or have some knowledge beforehand. Not a lot; even just 5 minutes worth would be better than nothing. But doing your research while RPing a medical professional (and RPing an ill/injured person) is key to making it less monotonous and more engaging. In the server I was head of EMS/PB for, I almost never got any RP period, but there was one person who wanted to RP physical therapy. So, the night before they had scheduled the appointment, I spent probably a good 45 minutes doing research just so I could give her good RP. To me, it was more than worth it, as I got to learn new things and improve the RP for her.
Lets look at this in a realism aspect. In your own life back home where ever you may hail from, I'll place a years wage on the line saying you have never walked into a hospital with a firearm to secure a hostage, started a fight with the homie, looked a cop dead in the face and said fuck you the list of things that happen in rp hospital that would never happen in life back home. That being said why is it acceptable to do so in roleplay situations? i have 3000 hours of medicinal roleplay under my belt ems nurse doctor etc. The medical staff in the servers are not sheep subject to the populaces ill intent or hostages ripe for the picking. you have up to 180 other individuals in this server to cause discourse and wreak havoc with. Abusing the staff that are in place to put you back together is not going to serve you in the long run. honestly you're lucky there's not a DNR (DO NOT RESESITATE) system in place.
It's acceptable because it is RP and you're playing a character, and many, many people play characters who would do those things. There's having a realism server and then being so hard-nosed that you just basically want to live IRL.
I was the head of EMS in my first ever server, and here's something that grates me with far too many EMS staff of every server I've been in: Thinking they are (or should be) untouchable. You
are a sheep subject the populace's ill intent, if the RP demands it. But that goes for everyone, and ill intent is just as equally valid RP as rainbows and sunshine RP.
I am not playing me, why should I care about what I would do IRL? Me existing in an RP space has absolutely no relevance. How my character would react to the situation at hand is the only relevant thing.
Force-perma systems are incredibly awful and not conducive to good RP or longterm storytelling. We're not "lucky" to have a staff that recognizes that as such, as such recognition is pretty standard among FiveM servers. It's just common sense. In DND games, it can be much more compelling to have such a system, but not so much in FiveM.