Adding cash as a physical item can significantly enhance the realism of the server. Players would need to be more mindful of their cash, making strategic decisions about when and where to carry large amounts. This could lead to more dynamic and engaging gameplay, with the potential for increased player interactions. Imagine the heightened tension or the careful planning required to transport large sums safely.... that could add a whole new layer of depth to our community's experience in crime/laundering/smuggling etc.
Moreover, this change could pave the way for other exciting features, such new criminal activity related to the cash.. It could bring a fresh sense of risk and reward that aligns well with peoples wish to do certain types of crime. More "white Collar" with cash being a PHYSICAL item, it just adds some immersion to it.
I also think with this addition we should seriously consider having Rolls/notes NOT be the primary cash object given from stores, atms, etc. These places would be extremely unlikely to have more than a few counterfeit bills out of thousands anyway. The actual status in the US is only around 1 counterfeit bill for every 10,000 genuine bills. With cash being an added item this makes it more realistic, with players having to make sure they leave money behind/ deposit it in the bank, before robbing a store etc. Just an idea. Everything has been centered around rolls as a cash item for years, and i think this could change some stuff, and make a whole new refreshing feel to how crime works.
I do believe it's crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the risks. While the idea has the potential to add a lot of value to the server, we should carefully consider how it might impact the current player base and the overall gameplay experience. This change could open the door to new exploits or bugs, so thats going to have to be something we are careful of.
As people have said, making cash a weighted item that impacts inventory space might introduce unnecessary complexity without adding significant value to the gameplay. Cash, by nature, is something players will often need to carry in large amounts, I usually carry thousands as my bank is always overdrafted (L crim). IF any weight it should be VERY little, until you start getting into the much higher numbers, 10k+. People also might just loot box the fuck out of things and people for the cash, but we could already /me and rp 'stealing' money so i don't see any reason to EXPECT this behavior.
Alot to consider all around. Its a yay from me, but with alot of hope that things are done to ensure that things stay balanced, that people dont abuse it or break it, and go from there.