[Poll] Transition to Cash as Item

Transition to Cash as an Inventory Item

  • Yes

    Votes: 238 41.2%
  • No

    Votes: 340 58.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Tessa Sauvagess

Weenie Hut Jr.
Feb 11, 2021
I think it's a decent idea. I'd like to see how it plays out.

All jobs that pay in cash would just become farms for robbing people. I'm of the same mind. If it becomes an item most people will just stop carrying it. I can already see people hanging out around corners from atms and banks to make, low effort, no rp robberies.
That's what player reports and tickets are for, to discourage people from low effort behavior. I don't think them hanging around the corner would be low effort, but rather what comes after and how they go about the robbery.

Chesty Duke

Its my Birthday
Gold Supporter
Jul 27, 2021
I am for it. My only counter would be that some businesses are set up to ONLY accept cash. Some of these businesses can be expensive, therefore leaving no option but to carry large sums of cash on you. Would there be a way for those businesses to start accepting bank so that people can choose not to carry those large sums?

Yes, I know, the reverse argument is "they can just go to the closest ATM." Yes, but not all businesses have one right next door.

I get carrying money is a risk, but it shouldn't be that a normal person wanting to buy a plushy has to have a four man squad protecting them to go by their cat plushy.

So, just curious on that part.

Kathleen Tickler

Well-known member
Jan 27, 2022
I would suggest that Ravi and gas stations for example, get an update too and give us the option of using our cards instead of just cash otherwise this just makes everyone a cash farm for criminals with no way to safeguard ourselves, thus making it unbalanced in the opposite direction.

Vanessa Kandinsky

The Best Helicopter
Jul 2, 2022
I'm both interested in this and worried. I've seen it implemented in other servers.

While it might be easier to just add a thing to the G menu to take player cash while they have their hands up and it might take the same amount of time as /me's and /gives it does add a little more to the fear of people being robbed since I've never had someone rob me for my cash they just take something random and go. Which could add to more people flocking together in their little friend groups to try and protect themselves, or invite new people into their friend groups for protection. This does include civs because most gangs/robbers are less likely to roll up on a group of four or more just for a petty robbery unless they actually want more interaction.

It does play into the, "Don't carry what you don't want stolen" scenarios. Which for some of us is difficult since apartments only hold so much, same with houses, storage vehicles, and storage containers,- which I do also still hear people complaining they don't have the space even with all of these things. (It's me, I'm someone that still complains because I'm a hoarder, but don't try to help me with my hoarding problem, I'll stab.) Would we be able to put it in containers like wallets, bags, etc?

Will adding this add to the already rising performance problems? (Which I won't complain about that problem here.)

Silly question now, Will I be able to throw a brick of money at someone? I wanna throw more things at people aside from snowballs and water balloons. (I wanna throw everything.)

I like this because it does open the possibility of store robberies to also give regular cash as well as rolls (Even though irl grocery stores/gas stations would not have marking to suggest otherwise unless they've changed things over the years) .

Criminals already risk carrying 100s of rolls/bands around to clean them, between drug sales, etc. Which is already kinda funny because I carry around 7k worth of dirty money on me to go around exchanging it for clean monies... Will the clean money just be a brick? Can I roll the money into a band to disguise it as dirty money so we could clean dirty money through unaware businesses?

It leads to more tensions because PD could just take any/all money in your pockets if you're involved in a store robbery because there's no real way of figuring out if the money is stolen or not. I've seen a lot of people try to pass off their marked bills as money they roll up to save for later but somehow cops always know it's dirty or stolen and not all of them pull the pen out to see if it's fake... plus fake money doesn't mean stolen money.

Will splitting the cash still be as annoying as splitting other things? I dislike the slider system, just let me type the number in. The sliders never get the right number without a fuss.

Will it be one of those things that I have to give one at a time or drop on the ground and potentially into the void mothers pocket instead of a nice little stack?

If we add this are we going to update more things to take card? Will this inevitably become one of those things were people could steal our phones or a physical bank card to take our money?
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Royce Bellefleur

Well-known member
Apr 29, 2021
As someone who doesn't even carry cash IRL I don't see the point of it in game too. We live closer to a digital age where we use debit/credit/banking apps for 99%of purchases. When I started on new day not having to worry about a cash item was nice and made it that you don't have people being idiots with the invi.

Personally if you were going to add something to rob I would say add credit/debit cards with the ability to freeze accs ect but that's not a discussion for here.

I think with the current way the server is with how it flows making it possible for people to just walk up incapacitate someone and making them just rob all the money with out RP due to it being an item, you're going to have to be on top of keeping an eye on the actions of the community. I personally don't want to deal with the possibility of just being shot down with shit RP forgetting I'm carrying x amount of money, them taking that amongst the 15-20k worth of gear I carry.

Thats my input

Amber Balin

Well-known member
Mar 27, 2022
I like the idea of cash being an actual item but only if it has no weight. Its not super realistic but the way inventories work on fivem it just makes less of a headache to weigh nothing.

As for the fear of being robbed at jobs then just report it! People should have an actual reason to rob someone and not just treat them as lootboxes.

Jay Perfect

New member
Apr 28, 2024
im with sylas on this i dont carry cash with me irl so i dont see a need for it, now yes it adds new aspects and potential for rp, but sadly it also adds major concerns not only with potential exploits but also with those who will rob only for the cash as a physical item, sadly i have seen way to many communities with this and there will be people who will set up deals just to take people of all the cash they have on them, weather its just small amounts or 100k + for private vehicle sales.

i would be all for the ability to see how much cash someone has on them, when you first got to rob them to see what they have on them, you would see the cash and items they are carrying them have to rob them again with a new interaction for the cash only this would add a longer time the situation is going on so people are not just going around robbing everyone they see just because they can.

for the main purpose of just adding cash as a item you carry on you its a -1 from me

Carlos Rubio

Silver Supporter
LEO Command
Dept of Commerce and Labor
State Police
Public Works
Mar 12, 2021
Main questions I have are:
- Would we still have the availability to purchase from businesses with cash or card?
- Would cash as an item function in giving from the inventory like everything else? So if I need to hand someone an amount and don't want to use the / command, it would be giving a single dollar at a time or dropping the correct amount on the ground?
1. Yes, All functionality remains the same
2. You would be able to pass from ur inventory or do /givecash

Abbie Sharpe

Well-known member
Silver Supporter
Mar 28, 2022
Personally I would be against it as I've seen it on other servers and just looks like a headache. The way cash is done atm on server is easier and more realistic. It would be a good idea to replace rolls/ bands with cash as an actual item which can just be put into a bank. It would cut the grind of running them after a robbery etc...and would reflect how much a heist has actually given you which you can share amongst the people taking part right there and then.....just my 10 cents worth!

Drusilla McKenzie-Oakley

Well-known member
Jun 3, 2021
Adding cash as a physical item can significantly enhance the realism of the server. Players would need to be more mindful of their cash, making strategic decisions about when and where to carry large amounts. This could lead to more dynamic and engaging gameplay, with the potential for increased player interactions. Imagine the heightened tension or the careful planning required to transport large sums safely.... that could add a whole new layer of depth to our community's experience in crime/laundering/smuggling etc.

Moreover, this change could pave the way for other exciting features, such new criminal activity related to the cash.. It could bring a fresh sense of risk and reward that aligns well with peoples wish to do certain types of crime. More "white Collar" with cash being a PHYSICAL item, it just adds some immersion to it.

I also think with this addition we should seriously consider having Rolls/notes NOT be the primary cash object given from stores, atms, etc. These places would be extremely unlikely to have more than a few counterfeit bills out of thousands anyway. The actual status in the US is only around 1 counterfeit bill for every 10,000 genuine bills. With cash being an added item this makes it more realistic, with players having to make sure they leave money behind/ deposit it in the bank, before robbing a store etc. Just an idea. Everything has been centered around rolls as a cash item for years, and i think this could change some stuff, and make a whole new refreshing feel to how crime works.

I do believe it's crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the risks. While the idea has the potential to add a lot of value to the server, we should carefully consider how it might impact the current player base and the overall gameplay experience. This change could open the door to new exploits or bugs, so thats going to have to be something we are careful of.

As people have said, making cash a weighted item that impacts inventory space might introduce unnecessary complexity without adding significant value to the gameplay. Cash, by nature, is something players will often need to carry in large amounts, I usually carry thousands as my bank is always overdrafted (L crim). IF any weight it should be VERY little, until you start getting into the much higher numbers, 10k+. People also might just loot box the fuck out of things and people for the cash, but we could already /me and rp 'stealing' money so i don't see any reason to EXPECT this behavior.

Alot to consider all around. Its a yay from me, but with alot of hope that things are done to ensure that things stay balanced, that people dont abuse it or break it, and go from there. :)

Izabel Ramirez

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2021
Not only would this increase player robberies which is meh for me for now. Does this include running bands ? Would running bands just immediately go into your pockets? Cause pass on ever doing any sort of cleaning money ever again. I’d like to have faith in people to not be shitty about spam robbing every person running bands ever but “tax season” I see no benefit from having cash as a pocket item.

Ryan Boyle

SAFR Therapist™
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SAFR Supervisor
Jul 16, 2021
Not only would this increase player robberies which is meh for me for now. Does this include running bands ? Would running bands just immediately go into your pockets? Cause pass on ever doing any sort of cleaning money ever again. I’d like to have faith in people to not be shitty about spam robbing every person running bands ever but “tax season” I see no benefit from having cash as a pocket item.

I dont see this increasing anything tbh. Folks already can rob folks using the /givecash commands and such.

We have PRs and mediated discussions for a reason.

imo "more robberies" should not really be a topic in this discussion, and it will likely have minimal change on how folks rob people as is.
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Carlos Rubio

Silver Supporter
LEO Command
Dept of Commerce and Labor
State Police
Public Works
Mar 12, 2021
A couple of questions:
  • With cash being an item, would it be one of the things that gets removed when you go to prison? If so, prisoners would not be able to use the payphones in the prison.
  • Would givecash still work if the cash is in a wallet?
1. It'd stay on you.
2. Don't have a clear answer towards this yet.

Carlos Rubio

Silver Supporter
LEO Command
Dept of Commerce and Labor
State Police
Public Works
Mar 12, 2021
FAQ has been updated to reflect some clarity of questions that have surfaced.

Kyle Torres

Well-known member
Gold Supporter
Aug 18, 2021
I think by having cash as an item, there could more into roleplay opportunities.

However, I can see a lot of people just mention "oh but cash are gonna be stolen from me in player robberies". That would just courage people to just put cash in their bank accounts so they don't lose them, but that's only when robberies increase. Other staff don't believe it'll increase the rate of robberies, which I'm hoping for because I'd hate to get much more frequently just because I have cash (especially when I have a character that works in a cab company).

Still I support the cash as an item idea. Although, I really wanna make sure I can put cash in my wallet because that's basically the purpose or a wallet IRL. Hopefully it'll happen soon.

Charlee Mendez

Well-known member
Gold Supporter
Sep 1, 2022
I feel having cash as an inventory item would be a good thing. It would cause people to be more realistic about what they carry on them. There are a few things that need to be addressed FIRST though. 1) Weight should remain 0 because it is already too hard to keep inventory from filling up with necessary items. 2) Specific and clear rules on how you can rob people of their hard earned money. 3) There needs to be an option of "Cashier's checks" which would be insured against theft for when you need to carry a large amount for a cash purchase. Those are used by many for just that reason! ... I think as long as those issues were addressed before hand, this would be a wonderful thing!

Adrik Nelson

Board of Education
Sep 3, 2022
Honestly, I'm all for it. It opens the opportunity for a little bit more risk involved in cash transactions. I've always wished that when you rob someone it takes their cash instead of having to tell someone to give it to you or /me.

One think I could say to avoid some of the concerns for people in terms of weight is have a certain amount that fits in the wallet like $2k and anything else goes in pockets and needs to be deposited at the bank or carried in Purses/Briefcases/Envelopes.

I think this also creates the opportunity for a business to make custom Purses/Bags for people to use for carrying money.

That said, the vast majority of people probably don't even carry cash on them at all so the effect of this would be completely moot to them. The only reason my characters carry cash is from jobs amd tips, which at the end of the day you go deposit the majority of it then on the off chance someone tells me to give them my money, good for them for role-playing a thief and they can get an easy $1000.

James Barber

Well-known member
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Apr 14, 2021
Instead of cash as an item, I suggest that when you rob someone you have a chance to automatically rob them of a % of the cash they are carrying. The % will also vary with each robbery. This way the robber gets some loot, and you circumvent people lying about how much they are carrying.
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Clayton Greene

Well-known member
Jun 22, 2022
I am in favour of physical item cash.

No nonsense carrying 50,000+ around and not worrying about it in your pocket. Let people steal wallets and purses.
I want the same tension of carrying around a 10k+ drift kit for my paysanne and hope I don't get jumped on my way to the shop.
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Thomas Delgado

New member
Jul 1, 2024
im with sylas on this i dont carry cash with me irl so i dont see a need for it, now yes it adds new aspects and potential for rp, but sadly it also adds major concerns not only with potential exploits but also with those who will rob only for the cash as a physical item, sadly i have seen way to many communities with this and there will be people who will set up deals just to take people of all the cash they have on them, weather its just small amounts or 100k + for private vehicle sales.

i would be all for the ability to see how much cash someone has on them, when you first got to rob them to see what they have on them, you would see the cash and items they are carrying them have to rob them again with a new interaction for the cash only this would add a longer time the situation is going on so people are not just going around robbing everyone they see just because they can.

for the main purpose of just adding cash as a item you carry on you its a -1 from me
Honestly, love the idea in the 2nd paragraph, a slightly longer rob time for people for better balanced risk vs. reward