[Poll] Transition to Cash as Item

Transition to Cash as an Inventory Item

  • Yes

    Votes: 238 41.2%
  • No

    Votes: 340 58.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Drusilla McKenzie-Oakley

Well-known member
Jun 3, 2021
I'm confused on points about being robbed for cash. You can *already* be robbed for cash now. The benefit is now people can't lie about not having cash on them (which is a rulebreak in itself)

I can't find a reason to disagree with this implementation
I really think its just a thing that makes cash more noticable. i 9/10 completely forget to do the whole /me process to rob someone of cash, and i do see that in some ways this would make robberies that already occur, start to include cash more often. Thats roleplay though. Counter it by leaving cash at home, travel in groups, and be smart how you flaunt cash. Like real life. People can ALREADY steal cash, they are just lazy about doing the process currently required.

Rowan Hendrix

Well-known member
Public Defender
Sep 8, 2021
United Kingdom
I see this as a massive benefit to RP. A lot of people are kicking up a fuss about it, there's an easy solution if you don't want to carry lots of cash on you, potentially being robbed... Simply don't carry large amounts of cash on you for an unspecified reason? IRL I almost never carry more than £20, I pay for everything via card or contactless.

Adding in a limit on the amount of cash you can carry can also mitigate the amount of cash potentially being lost.

All in all, sounds like a great feature.

Becks Lawson

Gold Supporter
Apr 23, 2021
If legal cash is an item, it'd be cool if washers could use it to obfuscate their illegal cash. It'd be a little bit weird to have two piles of cash, and have a cop instantly be able to discern which is the "real" money and what the counterfeit cash is at a glance. If physical cash becomes a thing, I'd want to see high-level washers get another trick or two up their sleeves, especially because they're going to be at much higher risk of robbery imo.

Woody Mann

Florida Man
Jan 11, 2021
Personally I am for this change. As with anything there are upsides and downsides, and I think the upsides outweigh the potential downsides here.

I know there's been mention about things like potential drop in quality of RP, people camping cash paying jobs, etc; well I am here to break the news that these things have already happened with the current system and guess what we have policed them when they have been brought to our attention. I don't think the change from magic existence to physical realistically changes what we see on the staff front as far as like work load or types of rule breaks.

On the topic of inventory management this I can somewhat understand, but at the same time just about every person I know carries a wallet for their IDs or some sort storage item on them where your cash could go I find it incredibly hard to believe that every single slot or ounce of weight in your inventory needs to be filled at every given moment.

On the topic of mechanics around cash that already exist, before we release cash as a physical item we are going to take a look at existing systems to see what might need to change to accommodate what comes with cash being a item. Before we invest a bunch of development time into this we first need to figure out if cash being a physical item is even wanted by a majority of the community so that we don't waste the development teams time on a fruitless endeavor.

If I missed any concerns that were expressed or you'd like to hear my thoughts on something else feel free to ask away.

Erich Vetrovono-Kovovitch

Well-known member
Jul 13, 2023
As brought up before. Having cash as a item is a big risk. Iv been to plenty of servers that have tried this,it ends up with tons of dupped cash and admins having to spend tons of time hunting it down, checking logs and cleaning up. Tbh just having a function during robberies to check their cash and pull an amount will just work better. It avoids the risk of exploits and the void taxing you (know someone who personally lost 200+ steel to the void, and iv had stuff claimed as well) and also let's robbers actually take someone's cash. We already have the "pocket cash" system already, just add to the G wheel to "check cash". Or just make it so ppl have to use envelopes once "pocket cash" gets over a certain amount.
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Annie Coady

Pitter Patter
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LEO Dispatch
Nov 28, 2021
LG Smart Refrigerator
I voted no but with the caveat that if the cash can be stored in a wallet, I'd be a yes.

I carry so much random crap all the time that I end up using @Jay Lamb as a storage container, so that's a non-issue for me. But, if cash can be placed in a wallet, then yes!

Maybe if you can place up to a certain amount, then it's too heavy/cash wad is too big and you'd then need to use a briefcase?

I can understand the inventory concerns, but we do have a LOT of slots and weight as is. Most people don't actually need to carry much more than 100$, as there are ATMs everywhere and everyone I've met is happy to invoice. Who would walk around with 40k in cash anyway (for longer durations)? absolute madlads.

Biv McFlint

Well-known member
Jan 19, 2021
It's no secret that both sides raise good points but I believe having money directly in our inventories should be added based solely on the success of TerryCoin in the past. We saw TerryCoin bring a new level of immersion and excitement to the community that wasn't just about the transactions; TerryCoin created a sense of economy, where players could truly feel the weight of their choices. Imagine expanding that concept, building on what TerryCoin started: a tangible economic system that deepened our interactions and added layers of realism to our roleplay. The success of TerryCoin wasn’t just in its use as currency, but in how it inspired creative scenarios and complex narratives. Implementing money directly into our inventories would build on that legacy, fostering even more sophisticated roleplay opportunities. The lessons we learned from TerryCoin’s success demonstrate that inventory based currency can significantly enhance the immersive experience for all players. TerryCoin showed us the potential—now let's take it to the next level.

Kai Moon

Well-known member
Silver Supporter
State Police
Sep 2, 2022
I see a lot of comments about adding it as a physical item being almost essential to RP. However, we already RP with a ton of items that have no physical interaction. Body creams, cologne's, lip balm, tons of plushies, etc. A lot of these things either have zero actual interaction and just serve as an "in pocket prop" that we RP with using /me's or vocally, or they are used and produce a /me.

So with that, I don't agree that it's really essential to RP to have a physical item of cash in our pockets. There's no reason why we can't just RP that it's there.

I dont see this increasing anything tbh. Folks already can rob folks using the /givecash commands and such.

We have PRs and mediated discussions for a reason.

imo "more robberies" should not really be a topic in this discussion, and it will likely have minimal change on how folks rob people as is.
The problem with saying that "more robberies" shouldn't be a discussion here, is that it absolutely needs to be part of the discussion because I'm not sure if you're aware, but player robberies have felt like they have been through the roof. I constantly hear about some gangs, or just players that rob people left and right to get their ammo/weapon/money stock up. I am not gonna sit here and cry about it because it's a fake item in a video game and losing it really has no actual impact on my life. I play Tarkov I'm used to losing good stuff to random BS lol. Also as long as people give decent RP during the robbery, then it doesn't feel like it is fail or low quality (imo at least, if staff feels otherwise feel free to correct)

But honestly player robberies have been WAY on the rise and if someone's just running to the bank after getting some towing done, or getting a big tip at their whitelisted job, or whatever it may be, someone just coming up and taking it all with literally just a shift click and minor interaction is pretty lame overall experience for a lot of people. Having physical cash just makes it easier for someone to just get a quick robbery and minor interaction off people. If you work at a mech shop or a food joint and get a decent tip, now you either risk getting robbed during or after your shift, or you have to close down just to run the bank.

Aside from that, plenty of other great points have been made about weight, the fact that we are in a digital age (I literally don't know when i carried cash last irl) where most people just have cards that tap to pay. Other good points of some businesses being cash only, etc.

Overall, I can absolutely appreciate the spirit of the update, but in every single server I've ever been in where cash is a physical item, it just becomes "another thing people can rob" and takes up inventory space or pocket weight when really, it doesn't need to be. I think the system as-is is perfectly fine and would be happy to just stay the course with cash

Kathleen Tickler

Well-known member
Jan 27, 2022
+ 1. This would be a good opportunity to add multiple currencies to the server as well. Please add Pesos and CAD, I would like to become the #1 money transfer service in San Andreas.

All cars at Backcountry Autos required to be purchased in cash!
*Buys car with cash, robs Cooper and gets money back... thanks for the free car!!* lel. Joking btw :D
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Jane French

How'd you know it was me?
Retired Staff
Apr 4, 2021
I voted yes, but I felt torn between both options mainly because if cash becomes an item in our inventory I'd love for us to have more options for being able to make purchases with our bank accounts. Examples would be to refueling our cars and buying items from local stores. I'd also love for us to be able to type in the exact amount that we want to split items into.

Morrigan Byrne-Bjorn

Well-known member
Flight Authority
May 10, 2021
It's no secret that both sides raise good points but I believe having money directly in our inventories should be added based solely on the success of TerryCoin in the past. We saw TerryCoin bring a new level of immersion and excitement to the community that wasn't just about the transactions; TerryCoin created a sense of economy, where players could truly feel the weight of their choices. Imagine expanding that concept, building on what TerryCoin started: a tangible economic system that deepened our interactions and added layers of realism to our roleplay. The success of TerryCoin wasn’t just in its use as currency, but in how it inspired creative scenarios and complex narratives. Implementing money directly into our inventories would build on that legacy, fostering even more sophisticated roleplay opportunities. The lessons we learned from TerryCoin’s success demonstrate that inventory based currency can significantly enhance the immersive experience for all players. TerryCoin showed us the potential—now let's take it to the next level.
TerryCoin was the perfect monetary system. Bring back TerryCoin!

Alannah Jeong

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2022
this is honestly gonna be a nightmare for cash paying jobs. coming from a server with the cash, people would wait outside business to rob them. unless a anti camping rule is put into place this is just not gonna go well. people say why carry so much cash, simply put some jobs it just happens. I remember watching a vid recently on this server of a group of people getting excited seeing a van saying "pay day". if its already a thing why make it worse. not everything needs to be realistic, you need to balance things between the game mechanics, rp and then realism. because if you wanted to be realistic about it 3/4 if not everyone in the city would be dead or in the hospital for the rest of their life.

Damien Flippinton

US Marshal Service
Retired Staff
Feb 7, 2021
Voted yes i already only keep like $200 on me anyway as carrying anything much more than that is just pretty dumb in the first place. Also if it helps with detecting people who duplicate then i think that should be placed above most complaints.

Alannah Jeong

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2022
Voted yes i already only keep like $200 on me anyway as carrying anything much more than that is just pretty dumb in the first place. Also if it helps with detecting people who duplicate then i think that should be placed above most complaints.
just because you don't end up with a lot of cash on you doesn't mean that it true to every play style. if you recycle, tow or even work at a business you will end up with a lot of money on you before you can go to a bank.
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Greg Gamble

Well-known member
Gold Supporter
Nov 21, 2022
Hard no from me. Anything that even has a chance to encourage more short/low quality hands up and take your stuff behavior is a very much no go for me. Personally I don't see a reason for this change.

Jason Tanners

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Dec 12, 2021
I've read through a good deal of responses here and I very much think that there are good and bad points to both sides. My RP would simply just change to never carrying cash for longer than 5 minutes if the new "physical cash" system comes through, and I'm perfectly fine with that.

However, only thinking about myself would be selfish (literally) and I genuinely can't shake the possible increase in "lootboxing" that'll take place afterwards. Yes, I'm aware that it's LQRP and would be reportable. You're still out that cash regardless of the outcome of the report, and that'd be even more so of a sting to your character now knowing that you lost it to a rule-break. I firmly believe that an increase in low-quality robberies will occur. An increase in reports, an increase in lootboxing, an increase in general discontent being on the server for those affected.

A possible solution could be lockable gloveboxes? I know that a lot of times when people are held up, they're in a vehicle of some sort for which they have keys. Lockable via the interior locking mechanism while seated inside the vehicle or through the G-menu. If a player that doesn't have keys tries to open the glovebox, they see nothing (like how those in the backseat of a 4-seater can't see it). The occupants can hopefully spot suspicious people coming and shove their cash into the glovebox and lock it, with appropriate counterplay being those committing the robbery now need to forget about the cash that may or may not exist in the glovebox and dip, get the keys forcefully, or steal the car and lockpick the glovebox open once it's safe to do so. High risk, high reward.

All of that for a possible solution is assuming it's possible on the back end, which it very well might not be. It's all about the RP and I think this will lead to a drop in the quality of it without a proper countermeasure.

I'm also always open to discourse on where the faults might be in my logic! I just want to keep the interactions fun and not be someone's bank.