August Young-Roulette

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    august young-roulette

    • Status:
      Deceased - July 30, 2024
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      5ft 0.25in
    • Birthdate:
      November 4th, 1999
    • Birthplace:
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      august farrow, Ivy Smith


    • Marital Status:
      Married to Sylas Young-Rein
    • Relatives:
      Jaylen Young - Father
      Bobby Percs - Dad #2
      Dazmen Young - Uncle
      Hans Roulette - Uncle
      Deacon Aoki - Uncle
      Chester Taylor - Uncle
      Mayumi Aoki - Aunt
      Hudson Welsh - Uncle
      Richard Rau-Wren - Uncle
      Annie Cassidy-Wren - Aunt
      Dante Zito - Son
      Ryan Cooper - "Son"
      Seth Kennedy - "Co-Daddy"


    • Occupation:
      street rat
      Owner of Big Seoul LTD
    • Faction Affilations:


    August is a hyperactive, squeaky woman in her 20's. She is extremely violent, especially towards Law Enforcement. She's a member of noMercy, a gang who currently resides in Little Seoul. She's known for committing fast action, high risk heists. She's relatively short and petite, with blue and purple (dyed) hair. Sometimes her hair is wavy and to her shoulders, other times it is short and pulled up into a bun.

    Her eyes are bright green and she has freckles across her face. She is usually seen in some form of blue clothes with a noMercy gang mask. Additionally, she tends to wear either kitty ears or some form of animal ears. Her favorite accessory is an Automatic Rifle, and she will brandish one whenever possible.

    She was the proud owner of Big Seoul LTD, a gas station located in Little Seoul, but transferred ownership to her uncle Dazmen Young when facing Murder and Terrorism charges.


    August was arrested for x1 Aggravated First Degree Murder and x1 Terroristic Act on May 8th, 2024. August pled guilty to the charges. On May 15th 2024, she was sentenced to Life with the Chance of Parole after 100 Years (August 23rd).

    While incarcerated, August accidentally murdered a Corrections Officer and was further arrested for that crime.

    On July 29th, 2024 August attempted to break out of Prison by holding a Corrections Officer up with a knife. Very quickly things went wrong, and LEO were alerted to the incident. Surrounded by cops, August stabbed the CO in the back and was gunned down. She passed to her injuries the following day, July 30th.





