Ryan Woods

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  • Ryan Woods

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      14th January 1997
    • Birthplace:
      United Kingdom
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:


    • Occupation:
    • Faction Affilations:


    Ryan Woods is a patient person who will pay attention to detail and say things that are backed up with facts or evidence.
    Ryan is mostly identified through his use of suits, blond hair and glasses within the areas of City Hall where he is employed as a Prosecutor for the State of San Andreas.

    Ryan is an assisting person when he's asked for help and he will try and help people see things the way he does. Especially when it comes to the work he does within the Department of Justice.


    Ryan began his journey into law by studying in the United Kingdom. After some efforts there, he wanted to try a different approach to where he came to America to study American case law. Over time he studied that by working as a Paralegal for the San Andreas Department of Justice.
    After two days of being hired on as a paralegal, he was promoted to a State Prosecutor to assist with the caseload of the State's prosecution branch.

    Throughout his employment, he went up against many different competitions in law. The Public Defender's Office, Hunt & O'Hagen, The Corranado Group, and so on.
    All being obstacles with different depths of knowledge. However, it never stopped Ryan in his tracks to ensure that a correct and just approach was given to the State of San Andreas and its citizens.

    After a long stretch in his employment, Ryan managed to become the Assistant State Attorney for the Department of Justice to assist State Attorney Jessica Ashbrook in a long overdue restructuring for the Department of Justice.
    After a long and stressful restructuring, Ryan Woods handed in his notice of resignation effective November 22nd.


    • TBA.
    • Ryan is always wearing a formal casual outfit. Unless he's in court.
    • Ryan never possesses a firearm. He's never really been trained and refuses to learn how.
    • He may seem silent and somewhat ignorant. But he's just taking in everything you say for a later date.