Wilfred Canterbury

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  • Wildred Canterbury

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
      He/Him, They/Them
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Walthamstow? Sunderland? Newcastle? Birmingham? Melbourne? who knows
    • Nationality:
      British? Australian?
    • Aliases:
      Brigadier Canterbury, Willy,


    • Marital Status:
      divorced (7 Times)
    • Relatives:
      Countless children and Grandchildren


    • Occupation:
      Paralegal, Royal Marines Brigadier General (former),
    • Faction Affilations:
      Public Defenders Office, Royal Marines (former), Tottenham Five (former),


    Willy is 6'3 has silver hair and heavy stubble, his nose is slightly swollen and red, and he talks in a really thick accent that sounds like a combination of a North London and Southern Australian twang, he can usually be seen wearing different varying suits or going about in the old gear he wore during the gulf war.


    Willy was born in the 50s and grew up just as things were starting to recover economically only to reach the age 18 at the very peak of the cold war, in the summer of 1975 he would enlist to join the military and would rapidly rise the ranks as he was involved in a number of campaigns all the way up until 1995, serving in many operations including Bosnia, Vice City, Lebanon, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, and in Ireland, the latter of which would eventually lead towards him leaving the military.

    Willy would leave the army in the spring of 1995 and over the next four years would find himself in an increasingly difficult position, due to serious economic issues springing across Europe as well as limit support after his service from the military he began to grow bitter towards the system he had served that now refused to serve him and got in with a group called the Tottenham Five, an elusive group of bank robbers based around Northern London who would rob banks all along the southern coast of England, during this period in time Willy would make an absolute fortune in what he saw as a victimless crime taking from the big banks and splitting that money between himself and veterans charities all while becoming increasingly invested in the collected works of one Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov teaching him about class consciousness and radicalizing him.

    In autumn 2006 Willy would retire from robbing banks and begin his journey around the world, he visited Macao, Thailand, Myanmar, Korea, San Andreas, Guatamala, Mexico and many other places spending his ill gotten gains and doing consultancy work on the side mainly working alongside lawyers to help them better understand their clients behavior having himself been immersed in the criminal underworld for a relatively long while.

    in the summer of 2021 Willy would emigrate to Los Santos, having fond memories of the city during his many visits between the 90s and 2000s he would spend a long period of time enjoying his retirement there in the sun, spending alot of time drinking in the local pubs and relaxing on the long sandy beaches of vespucci.. however in spring of 2023 he would go and get his first tattoo in a shop on the beachfront and post about it on twitter only to be invited to meet some people from the DoJ and PDO office called Killian and Dalton who would invite him to the Office after some conversation and he would be convinced to come out of retirement and become a paralegal, from there on the rest is history.


    "did you know the movie "Bank Job" featuring Jason Statham was loosely based on me?"